Blog: Fasting For Mexico
by girlpatten2000

Day 1

So I am starting my first day of what I hope will be a 40 day fast.

Date:   6/19/2006 10:12:17 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2261 times

So I am starting my first day of what I hope will be a 40 day fast. I started out the morning by mixing the master cleanse lemonade. The master cleanse lemonade is only temporary because I should be receiving my juicer today. I better receive my juicer today! Anyway…besides mixing the drinks I prayed, read the bible a little, weighed myself and took pictures of myself in a bikini (yikes!).

After I drank the lemonade I had some stomach cramping. I took this as a good sign that my digestive track does have a response to the master cleanse.

I of course feel excited to start the fast and my mood is very good. My boyfriend Scott says that he is doing the fast with me but there is no way he will last. I’d love for him to do it with me but I don’t think he has it in him…no me…I am determined for many reasons.

On the weeknights (except Mondays) I will be walking about an hour after I get off work. To supplement my hour walk I will download my church sermons onto my i-pod and listen to them.

I think I will start salt water flushing on the 3rd day…as that is where many people seem to start needing it. I will have to get up earlier and earlier in order to do this. But I am also interested in seeing how it will affect the fast.

Anyway…I will give you updates tomorrow.


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Comments (10 of 21):
Re: Day 2 Food Addicts 10 y
Re: Breville Juicer seuni… 18 y
Re: Breville Juicer girlp… 18 y
Breville Juicer seunim 18 y
Re: depression girlpatten… 18 y
depression celona 18 y
Realization bbr43 18 y
Re: I wish there w… girlp… 18 y
I wish there were … derad… 18 y
Re: questions girlpatten2… 18 y
All Comments (21)

Blog Entries (10 of 21):
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Soccer, Juicer and Soreness  18 y
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