Once A Week 17 y
So…I want to fast to regain control over my eating. I would love to lose weight but I can’t even stand to weigh myself anymore because I start beating myself up too much. I just need to regain control over my life.
Something has to change with my life. I hate my job and I think it is leading to depression which is causing me to eat more. I work 50-60 hours a week so I have started to work out less (then I did when I was at a job that only required 40 hours a week). As many of you know, working out releases endorphins which makes us feel happy. Eating also releases “pleasure chemicals” in our brain that makes us feel happy. I have seemed to replace the work-out pleasure chemicals with the eating chemicals. It sucks but I don’t see myself working out more because of general time constraints so I need t ... read more
Add Blog To Your Favorites! I have tried the master cleanse as well as a fresh fruit juice fast. Both times I got a little bit of a depression. So I am doing a fast that involves drinking a protein drink, a fiber drink and Emergen-C at various times of the day.… more...
Last Activity: 17 y ago 1 Messages Last message 17 y ago 2 Comments Last comment 17 y ago
viewed 27,863 times Created: 17 y Jun 26 2007
Comments (2 of 2): Job Aharleygyrl 17 y you got to the tit… eyeba… 17 y All Comments (2)
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