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Fantastic post!
garcia Views: 27,221
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 97,445

Fantastic post!

I just wanted to say I've been there.

> How did you get to the point where cigarettes are gross, not a dear friend?

Good question. The easiest way to do this (I did it myself) is to find an empty jar, and a comfortable arm chair. Take you pack of cigarettes and get smoking. Don't stop until you have filled that jar up with ash/butts.

Now tell me - do you want another cigarette? If so pick up that jar. Open the top and have a smell. Keep it around with you. Make the jar your friend. Everytime you want to light up take the jar, open the top and have a good smell. That is what is inside you.

If you *still* want to smoke, carry on. But keep the jar. Maybe get a bigger one, and keep filling it up. Stop hiding away the damage you are doing to your body - what this exercise does is make the invisible visible.

When your capacity for grossness is exceeded, you will be ready to give up. Until then do not throw away any ash/butt-ends.

> are there supplements that can help reduce cravings?

Yes! I didn't know anything about nutrition when I quit 4 years ago, but I know plenty now. There are lots of things you can take - e.g. the amino acid L-glutamine is often recommended for cravings. Also I would take plenty of good oils (e.g. Udo's Choice) which will help you mentally.

> How did you get leverage on yourself? Was it a single event/moment or a build up of little things?

I guess it was just a general feeling of disgust with myself. I had been into health all my life but had taken up smoking against my better judgement. But deep down I didn't want to be a smoker - I wasn't a smoker - I was born a non-smoker and I wanted to die a non-smoker. This whole smoking thing wasn't me - it was someone else. Society was telling me to smoke. It wasn't part of my authentic self.

So ask yourself - is the deep-down authentic you a smoker or a non-smoker. If you are a smoker then come to terms with that and live with the consequences. If however you are a non-smoker then allow your authentic self to come out and manifest. What are you afraid of - the real you?



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