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Re: *graphic* Parasite embedded in throat?
username7414 Views: 36,740
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Re: *graphic* Parasite embedded in throat?

Ok good.. I'm glad you feel better. I read these posts and feel your panic, but sometimes there just are NO words... what do you say to someone whos going through something so horrific.. and I really have no idea what coughed up larvae looks like, or what half the photos are... but I want to calm the person down because I KNOW the panic... it took 10 years off my life abd gave me my first 3 grey hairs... no kidding!
When I had whipworm, I never saw anything in my phlegm that resembled a worm.. just tons of snot.. some was even thick like jello. Some was really stretchy too... the msm helped a ton with that. I also did have some mucous that stretched out like whipworm and looked like it had a skinny tail.. I had some that resembled sperm cells with a fat head and tail... but it wasn't worms. It was worm shaped snot. I only knew that because id get that on and off most of my life with my miserable allergies and have seen them before and had doctors explain to me what it was. Whipworm (and most any worm) is fiberous and shouldn't break.. the roundworms also flatten out when they die and have a flatworm appearance. On an ultrasound some of them appear coiled up and I assumed that because i could feel them, that would be a giveaway... but i was wrong. I had to have weekly ultrasounds to make sure there was no die off blockage and there they were moving but i couldn't feel anything at that time.. that was freaky.
I had more mucous in my body than anything else and it just kept coming and coming. That's a sign of inflammation going on... could be from anything. Ive always had allergies, but a parasite infection turned my body into hyper snot production mode.
It's very likely that's what's going on with you too. But dont take that as its just mucous and youre fine, because you could be producing the excess snot in response to larvae.. its hard to tell. There are some people here who have experience with this more and can give their opinions on what it is in the photos and recommendation for medication, but do get started on a good snot clearing supplement and some vitamins.. it really does make a huge difference.
That gaping hole is definitely worthy of medical attention... if that's infected, then it could cause a lot more problems. I wouldn't even know where to begin with that... gargling and rinses might aggravate it.


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