Hi Everyone,
I've just written a book on how to cure serious candida problems. This book has a very different approach to curing and resolving candida problems and goes with the most current research. The book is called Candida: Killing so Sweetly and will be out in paperback and ebook format next month(Sept 19th).
To actually help people with their candida problems now and to help people to understand this protocol, here it is -- with quick explanations:
The Main Anti-Candida Protocol
The above links contain the main daily anti-candida protocols with a short tabulated explanation of the nutrient activity within the protocols. And the anti-candida diet is just plain common sense.
I've used the above protocol successfully to cure my own systemic candida problems seven years ago(with no return of this disease or any of the symptoms) as well as successfully helping and advising other people with serious candida problems many times. Generally, because people don't like taking so many nutrients, the people who have taken this protocol and followed it religiously were very desperate and sick people who were usually at the catabolic or body-wasting stage(rapid weight loss) of their candida problems. This protocol has also been very successful at curing systemic candida, with no "Rebound Effect" or no continual return of the disease.
If you want to know the deeper explanations(backed up by all the research) as to why this protocol works so well, you'll have to buy and read the book -- not enough room here.
Currently I'm working on another smaller and more convenient anti-candida protocol using both protease enzymes(strongly anti-biofilm) and turpentine(strong anti-biofilm action, strong anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-mycoplasma, anti-parasitic and strong anti-oxidant). This approach is mainly based on the good research work of Dr Jennifer Daniels(Turpentine) and also on the work of Dr William Shaw and Dr Peta Cohen who have both found causative links between candida mycotoxins(like arabinose, tartaric acid and gliotoxins) and difficult-to-cure diseases like Autism, CFS, ADHD, Lupus and Alzheimer's Disease. It appears that if you apply strong anti-fungals to people with with ADHD, Autism, Altzheimers and CFS then there is always a marked improvement -- if not a complete resolution and cure -- with these serious conditions.
I will probably eventually write another book on this smaller and more convenient protocol in the future.
“As the philosopher Schopenhauer said, 'All truth goes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Then, it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident.' Within five years, people who ignore the importance of yeast-related illness will be in the same camp with those in the Flat-Earth Society."
My new book, Candida: Killing so Sweetly will help answer, in detail and with all the research evidence, the following questions:
Why does my uterine candida or intestinal candida just keep coming back?
Candida is just a yeast, right? -- Wrong!! Candida has dimorphic behaviour -- it really eventually becomes two entirely different organisms.
If I can get rid of my candida from my intestines then I will be cured. -- Wrong!!
The doctor says I haven't got candida -- but I have all the symptoms !!
Why do Nystatin and Diflucan antifungals not work against my candida problems -- it just keeps coming back !!
Will getting rid of my candida help my CFS or Fibromyalgia problems? -- Yes, from the most current research by Dr William Shaw, candida mycotoxins are a major causative factor in CFS, ADHD, Altzheimers, SLS and a host of other diseases.
My new book goes much deeper into candida behaviour and presents conclusions that are outside the box but neverheless fully supported by all the current research evidence (which has been completely ignored by allopathic medicine). The book ends up finally describing a successful daily anti-candida protocol(shown here on curezone) that is wholly based on specifically attacking the unique behaviours, characteristics and associations of serious candida problems rather than on just using a totally inadequate, simplistic and useless antifungal/antibiotic protocol.
Curious to ask if you had any side effects with the turpentine...such as extreme head fog or a stong immune response(overload of histamine). Seems like turpentine could cause an overwhelming immune response for people that are sensitive to alcohol- "like" chemicals?
Did turpentine cause an overstimulating effect?
Just the smell of turpentine makes me slightly nauseous/edgy and never got the courage to try it.
I'm not the original poster but since you haven't received an answer yet I'll try to share some advice. Regarding liver flushes if you are on you 5th and not improving I'd stop and look for other causes. Dr. Hulda Clark recommended doing just one and only after a kidney and gut cleanse protocol. I did follow her protocols and after the liver flush all the stones went out easily and I felt much better, my mistake was keep doing liver cleanses. I did 3 and noticed that with each subsequent cleanse less and less stones came out which I believed was a good sign.
Years later I did colon hydrotherapy and the therapist noticed several stones coming out of my colon. It seems that just after the protocols the intestines are prepared to expel the stone but after the 1st cleanse many stones get trapped inside the intestines. So, if I were you I'd stop doing more cleanses and I'd do a colon hydrotherapy to get out the stones that may be on your intestine. The worst part is that the therapist warned me that if there are stones in the small intestine they will be stuck there since the colon hydrotherapy doesn't reach the small intestine.
Apart from that the cause of your SD may be what Whiteshark already mentioned; a food intolerance or allergy, a metal toxicity, a fungal or parasitic infection, you must treat each possibility and rule them all out. A good place to start is with your diet and the metal toxicity and there's a great article that, although is titled Home Remedies for Cystic Acne really talks about the root causes of skin disorders and list several therapies; at home or by professionals that address many skin problems and help with detoxification. The article will give you some tools to start treating each possible cause.
I was never offered help once and in fact I was sluffed off or offered psych care. After 3 years of arguing and my threatening civil suit I finally have a great Dr..She gave me a round of Anti Biotics and it worked briefly and now I think its time for IVORMECTIN.
My body has so many f'ing scars on it now and it makes for a VERY DEPRESSING situation. Has anyone else endured this shit??? I at the end of my rope
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