Women With ADHD
ADHD also looks like me: a 30-year-old woman firmly planted on the couch.
In addition to dealing with the general joys of ADHD, women with the condition also experience a unique set of symptoms and challenges. Understanding them can help ease the guilt and confusion that can come from being a slightly messy woman in a world that seems to demand perfection.
If you didn’t know before, here are just a handful of the hidden struggles of a woman with ADHD.
Boobs, periods, and ADHD
Right out of the gate, girls with ADHD face an uphill battle. That’s because their symptoms are likely to go un- or misdiagnosed, since ADHD looks different in girls than in boys.
Whereas boys usually develop ADHD around age 8, symptoms in girls typically appear at the onset of puberty — because apparently boobs, menstrual cycles, and eyeliner aren’t enough to throw at a middle schooler.
In women, ADHD frequently presents as inattentiveness rather than hyperactivity — unless you’re like me and were lucky enough to have both. This means people frequently write our inattention off as a character flaw, rather than a treatable condition.