A Warning to Those Doing Many Liver Cleanses
I'm not the original poster but since you haven't received an answer yet I'll try to share some advice. Regarding liver flushes if you are on you 5th and not improving I'd stop and look for other causes. Dr. Hulda Clark recommended doing just one and only after a kidney and gut cleanse protocol. I did follow her protocols and after the liver flush all the stones went out easily and I felt much better, my mistake was keep doing liver cleanses. I did 3 and noticed that with each subsequent cleanse less and less stones came out which I believed was a good sign.
Years later I did colon hydrotherapy and the therapist noticed several stones coming out of my colon. It seems that just after the protocols the intestines are prepared to expel the stone but after the 1st cleanse many stones get trapped inside the intestines. So, if I were you I'd stop doing more cleanses and I'd do a colon hydrotherapy to get out the stones that may be on your intestine. The worst part is that the therapist warned me that if there are stones in the small intestine they will be stuck there since the colon hydrotherapy doesn't reach the small intestine.
Apart from that the cause of your SD may be what Whiteshark already mentioned; a food intolerance or allergy, a metal toxicity, a fungal or parasitic infection, you must treat each possibility and rule them all out. A good place to start is with your diet and the metal toxicity and there's a great article that, although is titled Home Remedies for Cystic Acne really talks about the root causes of skin disorders and list several therapies; at home or by professionals that address many skin problems and help with detoxification. The article will give you some tools to start treating each possible cause.