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Re: Overcoming and Curing Your Candida Problems
slowsmile Views: 20,173
Published: 12 y
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Re: Overcoming and Curing Your Candida Problems

 My new book, Candida: Killing so Sweetly will help answer, in detail and with all the research evidence,  the following questions:

Why does my uterine candida or intestinal candida just keep coming back?

Candida is just a yeast, right? -- Wrong!! Candida has  dimorphic behaviour -- it really eventually becomes two entirely different organisms.

If I can get rid of my candida from my intestines then I will be cured. -- Wrong!!

The doctor says I haven't got candida -- but I have all the symptoms !!

Why do Nystatin and Diflucan antifungals not work against my candida problems -- it just keeps coming back !!

Will getting rid of my candida help my CFS or Fibromyalgia problems? -- Yes, from  the most current research by Dr William Shaw, candida mycotoxins are a major causative factor in CFS, ADHD, Altzheimers, SLS and a host of other diseases.


My new book goes much deeper into candida behaviour and presents conclusions that are outside the box but neverheless fully supported by all the current research evidence (which has been completely ignored by allopathic medicine). The book ends up finally describing a successful daily anti-candida protocol(shown here on curezone) that is wholly based on specifically attacking the unique behaviours, characteristics and associations of serious candida problems rather than on just using a totally inadequate, simplistic and useless antifungal/antibiotic protocol. 









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