I am sharing my personal success story on lowering my blood pressure. I know how hard it is to find something that actually works!
My blood pressure had gotten as high as 280/180. Even after doctors' medications it still bounced back regularly to 195/115. After trying several medications to get it down safely until I could fix the problem, I found 5mg lisinopril taken before bed to be the safest and most effective.
I started taking 500mg Serracor once a day to clean out my arteries. I used the Dr. Natura Colonix program for three months to clean out my colon. After I was cleaned out, I kept the Dr. Natura Kleritea on hand to take it as needed. In my first three weeks of taking Serracor and the Colonix program, I lost 35 lbs and I wasn't even trying to lose weight. But losing weight was important in the long run. I have learned to stop eating by 3 PM and eat all the food I need between waking and 3 PM. This is important so that the body is not heavily processing food during sleep.
I started walking 20 minutes a day on the treadmill, and up to 60 minutes when I have the time. This is really important. Normal walking doesn't give the body quite the workout as a steady pace at 3.3 mph. I also stretch my back every morning upon waking. I'll lay on top of my bed and bend my body over with the goal of placing my face between my ankles. I couldn't do it at first, but several years later I can plant my face flat on the bed between my ankles within a minute after rising. This stretching not only relaxes the nerves and muscles around the spine, but it also makes the back very strong. After stretching, I lay on my back and lift my legs straight up while slightly lifting my head and then lay out flat again. I do this 30 times, although I could only do it five times when I started. After lifing my legs straight up, I then lift my knees toward my chin while slightly lifting my head. I do this 30 times, but again I could only do it 5 times a day when I started. These exercises pump the lymph nodes near the groin and prevent a lot of diseases. They build up strength in the back, and they massage the internal organs. They are very invigorating and make it easier to pump blood through the body, which is essential to lowering blood pressure. During the day, the arms also need to swing widely for at least 15 minutes. This pumps the lymph nodes under the armpits, which are also very important.
Meditation became a regular part of my daily routine for several years, and it helped to lower my blood pressure. However, life can make a meditation routine difficult to maintain. Using a TENS unit on the neck helped release clots from my arteries when I felt pressure building in my head, but this could be dangerous if the clots are too big. Exercise harder for several days before using a TENS unit as it dissolves some of the clot. TENS units can also increase blood flow in legs and arms. Put the pads over sore areas and operate at 8 Hz for 15 minutes at each painful location.
I also cut down my red meat to twice a month, eat salmon once a week, eat a variety of vegetables from my own garden, drink lots of tea made with herbs from my garden, make my own vitamins from vegetables and herbs from my garden, eat probiotic foods and drinks including kim chi, fermented beverages, and Greek yoghurt. Very important, I cut out the salt shaker. I used Himalayan pink salt for a while, but even that salt raises the blood pressure. It took me several years before I realized that many salts are just as bad, and they show up in many brands of bottled water. Don't drink water with calcium chloride or potassium chloride added. These are salts, too, and also constrict the organs and arteries. I have found that many supplements don't work either because they are highly processed or contain fillers. To fix this, I now grow all my own plants, dry them, powder them, and put them in capsules, myself.
I take MSM and glucosamine and took it in high doses due to an injury I sustained 12 years ago. I had to cut it down to the minimum dosage because the MSM also has the property of constricting the arteries.
One herb/vegetable that I consume daily is dandelion. I grow them in my yard and dry them so I can make tea during the winter. I also eat them fresh added to salads, cook them as roots and greens, and make tea from the fresh herb. Dandelions have a perfect balance of organic calcium, potassium, and other minerals needed by the heart. I don't know why dandelions are not a staple food of the human diet. They are incrediblly nutritious to the heart and completely non-toxic.
Even after doing all the above, after ten years my blood pressure was still borderline hypertension. Then I started taking a hot soaking bath each day. This was the final key to brining down my blood pressure. Get the water as hot as you can take it and soak for about an hour. The warm, wet heat penetrates the body and relaxes the arteries throughout the system. After seven days of hot soaking (and everything else I mentioned), my blood pressure finally dropped from 140/88 to 126/77.
My personal observation is that hypertension is partly psychological. Certain types of intense thinking, like computer programming, and focusing intensely on solving problems, tend to stiffen the arteries. The mind and body need activities that help them to remain fluid and flexible. A hot soaking bath on a regular basis can temporarily fix the problems caused by a stiff lifestyle, but the solution to hypertension is a complete rejuvenation of the entire body/mind system. I am 56, btw.
This is a synopsis of my effort to lower blood my blood pressure naturally and it took me 12 years to get here. I stopped using Lisinopril over six months ago when my blood pressure had returned to normal. I take no commercial medications at all. To keep my blood pressure low requires a steady commitment to diet, exercise, good thinking, and good living.
Sorry to hear that your son is dealing with this infection.
Our family nearly all died of a terrible case of MRSA.
Since using Allimed stabilized allicin from garlic, we have all been free
of symptoms for 11 years. Allimed is a very powerful and effective natural antibiotic.
Here is a good research site for Allimed:
I hope that you find the answers that your son needs.
God bless,
I suggest you speak with Keyth after watching all his YouTube videos. Very nice guy, genuine stuff.
He has HIV and is doing AMAZINGLY well. A few months ago he bought a terminator II zapper and I know he felt it was helping (not the ultimate cure, but a supportive measure). He's primarily a raw foodist, takes a lot of Chinese medicinal herbs and also has worked with his emotions.
This is his YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/liverawkstar
Here is his first video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vVCFDeDH7w&feature=channel_page
I do recommend watching all his videos from start to finish - there's a LOT of good information in many of his videos and this channel will be very relevant for you.
Some info about the terminator II
I have a friend who was ill and she said it helped her. When she first started wearing it, she said she could only keep it on for 30 minutes at a time because the tingling was intense. If she left it on for longer, it would start burning her skin (supposedly acids being expelled from her body). After a few weeks she was able to wear it for longer and longer, until she could wear it for a few hours each day. Bear in mind, at the same time she was moving into a raw food diet (lots of alkalising juices).
She lent me the zapper, I tested it was fully operational (it will give a light tingle if applied to your lips or facial skin because these areas are more sensitive). Well, I strapped it to my leg on day 1 and left it there almost 24 hours a day and I didn't feel a thing, no burning, no tingle ... we tested the batteries several times, and yes, all was working perfectly. I wore it for almost a week non stop to see if i would get a burning sensation - I never did.
Then I tested it on people who were sick, and they would feel the burning .... So I guess the zapper only works if you're sick and for someone who's well, there is no effect. That's my experience anyway.
Best wishes
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