Hello. I too suffer from swollen lymph nodes in the neck at the jaw area below the ear. I have had this condition for approx 4 yrs. so you can only imagine with what I am going thru at the age of 28. I have tried the Magnetic pulser which didn't work. I've tried zapping with a parasite zapper which didn't work among other things. So I came across the book by Ed McCabe called "Flood your body with Oxygen". THIS IS THE KEY! believe me. Your body is more than likely fighting an infection if the nodes aren't painful or slightly painful. Attacking and fighting your lymph node problem at the node site itself will NOT decrease the inflammation of the node because the root cause (if infection in blood) is not being attacked. You need to clean your entire body, and you can do that with OZONE gas by using protocols such as rectal insuflation, ear insuflation, drinking ozonated water, and saunas (all of this is discussed in Ed McCabe's book). This book is extremely on point. GET THE BOOK because I got it and I tell you it is the best thing I ever bought in my life.