Re: newbie, zapper for hiv and swollen lymph nodes? Thanks
I suggest you speak with Keyth after watching all his YouTube videos. Very nice guy, genuine stuff.
He has HIV and is doing AMAZINGLY well. A few months ago he bought a terminator II zapper and I know he felt it was helping (not the ultimate cure, but a supportive measure). He's primarily a raw foodist, takes a lot of Chinese medicinal herbs and also has worked with his emotions.
This is his YouTube Channel:
Here is his first video:
I do recommend watching all his videos from start to finish - there's a LOT of good information in many of his videos and this channel will be very relevant for you.
Some info about the terminator II
I have a friend who was ill and she said it helped her. When she first started wearing it, she said she could only keep it on for 30 minutes at a time because the tingling was intense. If she left it on for longer, it would start burning her skin (supposedly acids being expelled from her body). After a few weeks she was able to wear it for longer and longer, until she could wear it for a few hours each day. Bear in mind, at the same time she was moving into a raw food diet (lots of alkalising juices).
She lent me the zapper, I tested it was fully operational (it will give a light tingle if applied to your lips or facial skin because these areas are more sensitive). Well, I strapped it to my leg on day 1 and left it there almost 24 hours a day and I didn't feel a thing, no burning, no tingle ... we tested the batteries several times, and yes, all was working perfectly. I wore it for almost a week non stop to see if i would get a burning sensation - I never did.
Then I tested it on people who were sick, and they would feel the burning .... So I guess the zapper only works if you're sick and for someone who's well, there is no effect. That's my experience anyway.
Best wishes