Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
Page 7 of 731

Last Day to Hear Raw Expert!!!   19 y  
Raw expert Gabriel Cousens can be heard on New DimensionsRadio all week, April 4-10. Listen in to this master Essene teacher of raw foods free right now.
Today is the last day to hear Rav Gabriel Cousens on New Dimensions Radio. He is a master Essene Teacher and Raw food expert. I am going to take on some of the issues that he discusses in the coming months. If you listen you will have a background when I start discussing some of the reasons that some of us are good eating raw and some not. Listen in. Love from Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie ___ Subject: Tune in now and all week, April 4-10th, to Gabriel Cousens on New Dimensions! You can download the Real Audio Player free if you need to. Just go to the ...   read more

Some RAW, some Not?   19 y  
Some RAW, some not? Please listen in to Gabriel Cousens today so you have a background to discuss some of the ideas I will bring up here in the coming months.
I am going to take on the issues of why some of us are best suited to raw regimens that are vegan and some are not.. I will discuss Dr. Jensen’s ideas on this. I will Look at some of the issues that were raised in my generation with Viktoras Kulvinskas, when I was in my 30’s. (Viktoras wrote Survival into the 21st Century, one of the leading books of its time on recommending raw regimens and promoting wheatgrass. He was the partner with Ann Wigmore. He is an Essene minister as well.) I notice some of these same issues up today on the CureZone. I remember writing an arti ...   read more

Why Look at the Past?   19 y  
Why go to High School Reunions? what is gained from looking back? The Enchanted Gardener Speaks.
Why look at the Past? Why go to Reunions at all? IT is 5:50 AM and I am at Sarina’s home in L.A. I am about to go back to bed after being up for an hour harvesting revelations and being in the presence of Your Enchanted Gardener, the expression of my Higher Self in touch with the wisdom of my Soul and the Universe. Why Look Back? It is about the Essene Creation Myth. It is about the Fall. It is about having experiences in the Mud. Getting stuck. Losing Power. Reactiveand making decisions from a place that is ignorant. Ignorance, in the Essene Way, is simply what ...   read more

high School Reunion   19 y  
Garden Management Journal: Feelings about an hour before my High School Reunion.
What am I doing here? I a tired frpm yesterday’s long late night drive to L.A., the city of my birth. It is around 5:34 PM and the no host cocktails start in an hour about 25 minutes from here. High School. Right now I am in touch with what a miserable time it was in my life. My Mother had died before I entered the 1Oth grade. Looking back, it does not feel like a happy time in my life, but...wait, wait, there were good memories. Likely it is my tiredness that is clouding my vision... and eating too many strawberries today. I am not digesting well. Who would I want to h ...   read more

Safe and Sound   19 y  
Arrrived safe and sound. Experiences the continuty of being able to have the tools I use at home with me. Internet is working, and I am back on line in a new city. Amazing how the internet and computerhas become an extention of my being in the world. Gratefully the garden is too. Phenomena to report...when I return rested.
IT is past 12 midnight. I am tired in my head, but here in LA. I left around 8:30 PM and arrived here around 11:15. Most of Rina’s shabbat guests were still here. I listened in, and got some strokes and introductions with the peppermint scented geraniums I brought from my garden, and two of the sniffer old fashioned smelly roses. The internet in my room does not seem to be working, but this onein Johnny’s appears to plug in nicely to my mac. Quite an amazing sensation to plug in and be right back on line. I am going to bed. I will continue this when fresher. Glad to rest m ...   read more

Cupid and the Sprite are Out!   19 y  
It is 5:38 PM Friday and the sun is starting to get lower in the sky. I am feelling that playful Sprite part of me, and a bit of the non-resistable World's Greatest Lover. Some people call themselves Bi-Polar. I am so many different and delightful beings in one that I learn more to being being a rolly Polly Polar Bear. Plan to get some touch in LA, and thinking of actually plucking down $1000.00 to go be with old ally Mark Victor Hansen next weekend at MEGA Marketing University in LA.
Can’t explain what has come over me. I have been up since 4 AM working on photos for the OTA web site, and was so exhausted before a shower and a little nap that I wasn’t sure I would go to LA tonight, but Rina is expecting me at her Goode house, and as she says, ”Life is Goode!” Rina is the life of the party in my life. I have had some really great times there, and it has been a home to me when in LA. Haven’t been their since last September! At times, I have had some of my greatest World’s Greatest Lover adventures in that house that are definitely worthy of being written ...   read more

What is Love?   19 y  
I am in the middle of three projects. Stepped outside in the garden and felt Love in the air. I wondered where you were. So bringing this out as a gift to you, Beloved. Let me know if you hear me. On Love and Harmony God is Love. Love is Harmony, and Harmony begets Peace Love binds the universe. Man and woman should never mock the simplicity of Love.
Facinating writing here to explore. I found this link on CureZone. What is Love? Here is an Essene School of Thought Point of view taken from the World’s Greatest Lover website You can also become familiar with The Seven Love Cures on this site The Seven Love Cures are words that men need to know and women want to hear. Vitamin ”L” is for Love. The Seven Love Cures are nutrition for the Soul. ___ The ...   read more

Whole Body Fun!!!   19 y  
Whole body fun. This is about the secrets of being healthy.
Today is Friday April 8th around 9:19 AM. I have been up for hours working with photos from The Organic Trade Association Industry reception that took place at the Natural Products Expo West a couple weeks ago. I gave my time to the Dr. Jensen land and Web site Tribute project the last 10 days or more. It has been a roller coaster ride of late nights and early mornings and nail biting ”ifs” , ”yes’s” , excitements, and dissapointments. It felt so good feeling like I was having success raising $1.5 million to secure this land. I Felt like I was doing something of value ...   read more

Love 'em and Leave 'em   19 y  
It is the unfelt stuff in our Cracks that keeps us in habits and diets that are not good for us. My elimination channels are not working sufficiently to live on many raw foods now.
This world of ours, it is such an amazing place. Three messages today that bring up stuff, places inside myself where the wounded healer feels the crack, the places inside that ask for soul growth. Right now, I am feeling the pain. A message from a close friend, one of the close ones who has been very supportive the last month, tells me to minimize the email communications between us. He has some serious memorizing to do. He gives me a date when he will be through, about a month away. I could write him back and express my feelings, but where would that take us? Better respec ...   read more

The Creation that is Woman   19 y  
Reflections before planting a bulb in Mother's body.
I have been feeling like an unwatered plant this morning, and noticing some dry plants around me in the garden. The exuberance of the feminine is flowering. I am noticing the vital force expanding and pulsating through an Aloe flower coming into color. I am not sure how I got myself into this place. I am feeding so much energy out into my computer and work. I am o.k stopping here where the Jensen Project site now stands...I can leave this page now. I have sent an email to John Morley and feel our kindred spirit. He was the one who reported the death of Dr. Jensen. ...   read more

Self Love   19 y  
What is Self Love? Some of the ways I am giving myself Self Love this morning.
Love is... Self Love is The History of Peace on Earth (what is Love? Please see what Alexander Pope had to say about the ”Chain of Love” ) Anger has been building inside me. I have been leaving things on my bed again, some of the Jensen materials that I have been pushing to get on the Jensen Tribute Site: i need to STOP--maybe add a few more things to the this page, and then get on with the OTA timeline. At the Natural Products Expo West (NPEW) a few we ...   read more

Trace Minerals are Critical   19 y  
Trace Minerals are critical to making enzymes. All diets need them.
Been reading The Omnivore Forum. What comes to mind are the critical importance of colloidal Trace Minerals. I have been having severe digestive problems for six months. The remedy that made the most difference so far is a colloidal trace mineral called MiVita. I remember being exposed to it during my days with Bernard Jensen. It can be ordered from Carol Johnson, (480) 969-7207. Her mom and late dad taught iridology at the Dr.’s seminars during the ranch days. The basis of a lot of the imbalance we are experiences with foods and diet is because we have no foundation ...   read more

Newsletter Bernard Jensen International   19 y  
Newsletter from Bernard Jensen International
I edited out some of the business side of this if you want to subscribeL Email Chuck Tell them I sent you, Your Enchanted Gardener Leslie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BERNARD JENSEN INTERNATIONAL MONTHLY NEWSLETTER April 2005 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ April Contents ***** April Health Tip by Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen ***** Techniques in Iris Analysis  June 27 to July 1, 2005 Level 1 & 2 Seminar from Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...   read more

Dr. Jensen's Last Seminar   19 y  
This is a report of the last seminar Dr. Bernard Jensen taught in 2000. I saw in last in 2000 earlier that year. He recovered from Cancer and he recovered from paralysis. He went back and starting overworking again. The cancer returned. I was not aware that it had.
I am working on my Jensen Tribute site, attempting to find a temporary finishing place before getting on with other timelines. This is a report form Marijke Vogel, who describes herself as quite a student of Dr. Bernard Jensen. She lives in UK. She came all the way from England to attend his final seminar in San Marcos, California. Dr Jensen’s final Iridology seminar, September 12-15 2000 by Marijke Vogel, MGNI, MIFA, MCIA, MIAIM This is a report of the last seminar Dr. Bernard Jensen taught in 2000. I saw him last in 2000 earlier that year. He recovered from Cancer a ...   read more

Raw Spirit Festival May 21   19 y  
Raw Spirit Fetival May 21. Look exciting and the photos on the web site are yummy!
This looks like a very high energy gathering for anyone within reach of Sedona, Az. These are some of the leading teachings in the field. Whether you go or not, do some searches for these leaders in the raw evolution. Most of these teachers are part of the Essene Soul Group activity. The Essene path is a spiritual lifestyle that goes with raw foods. Cousens and Kulvinskas are both Essene Teachers. For more on the Essene Way, check on the web site link below. I always feel my Essene connection around the Easter/Passover season when the Tree of Life feels like is it growi ...   read more

Drugs for Women: Funny!   19 y  
Drugs for Women.. humor that gave me a lift...cute, intelligent, word play
Norman Cousens cured himself of some serious health conditions years ago with a good laugh. I got a great laugh out of this one! Author unknown...right now. Your Enchanted Gardener Subject: NEW DRUGS FOR WOMEN: D A M N I T O L Take 2 and the rest of the world can go to hell for up to 8 full hours. ST. M O M M A’S W O R T Plant extract that treats mom’s depression by rendering preschoolers unconscious for up to two days. E M P T Y N E S T R O G E N Suppository that eliminates melancholy and loneliness by reminding you of how awful they were as teenagers and how ...   read more

Doing "Colonics" at Home   19 y  
Doing Colonics are possible at home with a colema board. Dr. Jensen did his bowel cleanses with this board.
I have a colema board. A colema board is like getting a colonic, as Lapis describes. You have a five gallon bucket that is used to fill with water and then allow to flow through the bowel. You can place other healthy substances, such as trace minerals or chlorophyll, or other cleansing or soothing substances in the bucket as well as water. The colema board fits over the toilet. The kind I have you can get from Dr. Jensen’s son Art who runs the company that continues to sell Dr. Bernard Jensen’s products, and products he recommended, as well as many of his less circulated ...   read more

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A History of Peace on Earth from Leslie Goldman & his Higher Self Your Enchanted Gardener. Super Ripe Photos and Enchanted Garden Current Events. more...

Last Activity: 41 d ago
12434 Messages   Last message 27 mon ago
1650 Comments   Last comment 41 d ago

viewed 54,632,691 times
Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
All Comments (1650)

Blogs by YourEnchantedGardener (8):
Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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