Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
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Detoxifying Body and Home   19 y  
creating a healthy living space. Richard Leviton The Healthy Living Space 70 Practical Ways to Detoxify the Body and Home. This is a good book.
The Healthy Living Space 70 Practical Ways to Detoxify the Body and Home by Richard Leviton Science shows that nearly every corner of our planet is toxic, and that all people carry residues of dozens of chemicals in their cells. Our body, our home, and our world are steadily sickening us every day of our lives. But we don’t have to live in a poisoned world, and we don’t have to be sick. We can have a healthy living space again by detoxifying our body and home, ridding both of their burden. The key is to cleanse both at the same time. The Healthy Living Space is the first book tha ...   read more

Emotional Detoxification   19 y  
I am getting into using this Yarrow Environmental Formula. Some call it a life saver. I sit at the computer all day, and wonder if this will improve my digestion.
Here is some more info on this Yarrow Environmental Formula, from the Flower Essence People. I am experimenting on using this. Stress/Tension These two conditions tend to go together. As a strong sense of pressure, stress/tension is ”the younger brother of hostility and afflicts many,” notes {Patricia} Kaminski. ”Such persons are not as overtly hostile or aggressive, but they still are predominantly yang in their soul orientation. They need to develop more inner space, a quality of soul spaciousness. Such persons find it hard to ...   read more

Toxemia Explained   19 y  
John Tilden's books, Toxemia Explained, written in 1926 is the classic in the field. This is a foundation work that I learned about from Dr. Jensen. Jensen spoke in terms of enervation....being too exhausted to keep up with healthy living. He got that idea, I believe from Tilden. Tilden was an MD. The entire book is online.
I am feeling too tired--too enevated right now-- to do the work i would like tonight, so looking at some of Wrenn’s stuff on Toxin guides before going to bed. The classic work in the field is John Tilden MD’s book called Toxemia Explained, written in 1926. Tilden was a hero of Dr. Bernard Jensen. There is really only one disease of the body. It is called Toxemia. Many doctors of natural hygiene have proven this in their work, but common knowledge of the way the body works, along with common sense, will also support this statement. In ...   read more

Spiritual Nutrition   19 y  
A synopsis of Gabriel Cousens new book Spiritual Nutrition. Gabriel is an Essene minister and heads the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Arizona.
Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini by Gabriel Cousens ISBN: 1556434995  Subtitle: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini Publisher: North Atlantic Books Subject: Alternative Therapies Subject: Alternative medicine Subject: Nutrition Subject: HEALTH & FITNESS / Alternative Therapies Subject: Diets - General Subject: Spirituality - General Publication Date: April 2005 Binding: Paperback Language: English Pages: 520 Dimensions: 90 ...   read more

Pray for the Land   19 y  
Pray for the Land...seeking energy to keep going with my energy today. Feeling tired...more work to do.
Patricia Kaminski. of the Flower Essence Services, says a prayer that the Jensen former Hidden Valley Health Ranch continue in good ownership. I would like to put up more info on my web site. I am feeling tired. Going to rest now and pass on going to see Ralph Nader who is in town. I would like to inspire the present owners to be patient and find the right people. I would like new owners or the current owners to remain on in some capacity so that I have access to lead Tours at Dr. Jensen’s former Hidden Valley. Our community of San Diego so needs this land to eminate the ...   read more

High Stress? Try This!   19 y  
I love the people who put out this remedy! They are Paticia Kaminski and Richard Katz of the Flower Essence Services. They are very close to nature, and the flowers are giving us their love through Patricia and Richard. Look at the results people in Japan are getting!!!
Using the Yarrow Environmental Formula for High Stress in Japan’s Crowded Cities by Mitose Komura AFEE JAPAN Association for Flower Essence Education, Japan Yarrow Special Formula (YSF) is now the most popular remedy in Japan. It has become one of the most important essences for Japanese people, and AFEE JAPAN has received many comments from its customers. Arnica Echinacea Yarrow The population density of Japan is very high. For example, the population of Tokyo is more than ten million individuals. It means that people are constantly exposed to the stresses of human relat ...   read more

Change of Heart?   19 y  
Should I call my old lover? I have not changed my position. I would like to hear from her if she has had a change of heart.
I cut my communication my old Beloved. For the last couple days I have felt like making contact. Part of this is the approaching Jewish Holidays. I am clear I have not changed my position. I would want our friendship back if she had more to give, and wanted a more full on relationship. I would want her back if she had a change of heart. I wonder if I should contract her to let her know I am open to hearing from her if she wants something other than our limited relationship. A mutual ally advices: If she really has a change of heart, she would reach me, even if I sa ...   read more

10 Golden Rules of Health   19 y  
These are the 10 Golden Rules of Health by Dr. Jack Ritchason. I am still shaking trees for the Dr. Jensen Land Project. It is some part of me that does not want to give up this dream. I want to find the way that this can work. Dr. Rictchason also speaks of Herings Law of Cure, a basic teaching of the healing crisis. Herings Law of Cure is something we all need to know.
I am feeling a ton of anger and disappointment. I am organizing some papers RE: all the work I have been putting in on the Dr. Jensen Hidden Valley Land Project. I would like to put more juice into the Dr. Jensen Tribute website. I am fussing over one lost phone number for Dr. jack Ritchason, one of the old allies of Dr. Jensen. I met Jack years ago at the Ranch. He has done quite well for himself over the years. I would like to see the land fall into the lands of the right people. Jack was one of the original members of Dr. Jensen’s Iridology International. One o ...   read more

Sex without Orgasm   19 y  
Do you take your projects all the way to completion? Do you let them fulfill you? Taking a project only so far is like having sex without orgasm.
I once had a shamanic healer who I saw for about a year. He said I had the abillity to focus, but the way I took things on was like having sex without orgasm. He recommended that I take my dreams to the point of orgasm. This issue is really coming up for me now. I wonder if I can remedy the condition. I am looking at the cause of why I am so addicted to new creation, but seldom do something to the place of full on completion. Anything that you do not do to the place of completion become clutter. The more I do but do not complete starts filling up my space, and even ...   read more

Attention Disorder A.D.D. Cure   19 y  
It is hard to believe that Easter was only last Sunday. I have been super focused on the preparation for the purchase of the Jensen's former Hidden Valley Health Ranch. I, llke, many of us these days can hardly string a series of thoughts together... They call it A.D.D...Attention Deficit Disorder... it is the dis ease of our time. The Solution is in reestablishing our relationship to the Tree of Life.
Dr Jensen and Edmond Bordeaux Szekely were two of the Essene visionaries of the 20th Century. They both were leaders in the Health Sanitarium Tradition, the Tradition in America and worldwide where people went to nature to retreat. They were friends, long time friends. They were in the Essene Stream of consciousness. Many of you on the CureZone are part of the same stream. That is why raw foods draw you. That is why cleansing draws you. That is why so many of us are seeking natural remedies because we are part of the essential stream that is seeking balance. Attention Defic ...   read more

Sacred Raw bread vs. Cooked White Bread   19 y  
These are the comments of Food prep expert Mindy Goldis of the World Peace Kitchen, San Diego. Mindy offers delicious meals to those in San Diego.
The Sacred Challah has a strong life force since it is ’alive’...the nourishment it provides surpasses any types of bread that are available, even at the health food store.  Conventional Challah is usually made with eggs, flour, sugar and may be tasty, but has no nutritional value of any kind...for one, flour is congesting to the body and can also cause intestinal distress and clog the system...also the use of simple sugar can cause the body to see-saw with the levels of glucose in the body creating constant ups and downs, hypoglycemia and eventually diabetes...I could go on and ...   read more

Delicious "Uncooked" Bread Recipe   19 y  
This is the incredible practically raw Essene recipe that was made at the Essene Ecstatic Mystical Gathering held in October of 2001. Shanti Cousens, wife of Gabriel Cousens, author of Spiritual Nutition and many other books in the field of raw nutrition made this for us. It tasted like desert. I offer the recipe here.
Sacred Challah* Recipe 2 C almond flour * 1  C coconut water, or raisin soak water  C golden flax seeds, ground 1 C raisins, soaked in 1 C water 2 T coconut oil 2 t cinnamon 2 t nutmeg or pumpkin spice  1  t Celtic salt 3 grains buckwheat, soaked **  C flax seeds, ground for cutting board Optional: 1 apple, shredded  C almonds or pecans, soaked and finely chopped  to add texture and crunch 1/3 C Turkish apricots, soaked and chopped or 1/3 C raisins, soaked Process raisins and apricots in a food processor; transfer to a large mixing bowl and mix in cinnamon, salt an ...   read more

Anti Mating Spray   19 y  
It is the last hour of daylight, and it is Sunday. Just got in from my journey out and about the town, including the Farmers' Market, stopping in on a Green Party meeting, the Apple Mac Store, Whole Foods, the Gas station, and the Pet store. I am grateful that my body allowed me to do some much, and I am filled with lots of feelings.
”In you, I see the flowers I love so much in the garden. Nature has smiled on you to make this world beautiful!” --leslie Goldman Your Enchanted Gardener from one of my online greetings up soon. Today was a day out and about the big city. I was so happy to get out. I got some things up on my Jensen Tribute site before I lett. Lots more to do with that, but it is saying some of the things I want to say before moving on to other projects tomorrow. You can see photos of Hidden Valley from my tour last week. We can see the evolving Friends of Hidden Valley Project that ...   read more

Coffee and Women's Health   19 y  
Here is another excellent article from the website of Teeccino, the caffeine free herbal coffee that has a wonderful "Kick It" program--for those addicted to coffee Caroline MacDougall and her wonderful staff are Uphold Heart and Soul in Industry. They are among my favorite natural food companies. They deserve our support.
I find that the Seven Love Cures I have written are outstanding heart remedies for women. Heart disease among women is an issue that concerns me. The Seven Love Cures, when read outloud, have shown success as a heart remedy. It is the love we are not expressing that shuts the heart down. On the physical level, we choose foods and beverages that support the conditions our body expresses. Why not choose Teeccino, a caffeine free herbal beverage, rather than coffee that is toxin to the heart as this article tells us? I want to honor Carol ...   read more

Friends of Hidden Valley+insights   19 y  
Up early this first day of Daylight Savings time. Yesterday was difficult, a day of transition with some dissapointment and feelings of lack of support. I am getting my focus back for how to reframe the Hidden Valley Project.
Felt a power shortage yesterday. Lots of emotions and desired for comfort with xxx, old beloved, that could not be satisfied. Highlight was doing some practical banking and then starting to defragment my computer... This seems like another A.D.D. remedy for this age: Defragment your computer as a way of defragmenting yourself. I felt a lot of disappointment re: Shifting focus from land purchase of Hidden Valley Health Ranch to influencing the present and future owners. I am back in power again with this project, it will not resurface as an Enchanted Garden Project called ...   read more

Death by Modern Medicine   19 y  
This book identifies the tragic aspects of a medical system that in its short history of about eighty years, has managed to kill tens of millions of victims. This is a book by Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD that is making quite a stir. I met Carolyn in the press room of the Natural Products Expo West. I took her photo. This looks like a book that belongs in the CureZone awareness. I will have her photo up later.
Here is bit of information on this very important book. I met author Dr. Carolyn Dean MD a couple weeks ago at the Natural Products Expo West in the Press Room. I took some wonderful photos of her. She is definitely an author that gives us in the CureZone the info we need about inspiring others to Educate rather than Medicate This information is from this site: DEATH BY MODERN MEDICINE Death by Modern Medicine is a blockbuster book that will bust the blockbuster drugs that have become the hallmark of modern m ...   read more

Reality Check On Jensen's Ranch.   19 y  
Just spend 45 minutes on the phone with Joan of the Teacups. It was so very good to spend time on the phone with one of my former lovers. Former lovers can make best friends. Today was a Reality Check time about the Jensen Land Purchase Plan...
Today is reality check time. I had a good talk with one of my key supports. She is filling me in about the reality of paying back $1.5 million dollars if the money to buy Dr. Jensen’s former Hidden Valley Health Ranch comes in loans. I am feeling a bit down about this, and also relieved. I need to reframe the Hidden Valley Health Ranch Land Project. One of my main sponsors deals in the reality of millions. She is part of a Foundation that gives money to various noteworthy projects. The question rises, after a 30-minute talk: Am I willing to put in all my time now on ...   read more

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A History of Peace on Earth from Leslie Goldman & his Higher Self Your Enchanted Gardener. Super Ripe Photos and Enchanted Garden Current Events. more...

Last Activity: 41 d ago
12434 Messages   Last message 27 mon ago
1650 Comments   Last comment 41 d ago

viewed 54,632,482 times
Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
All Comments (1650)

Blogs by YourEnchantedGardener (8):
Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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