Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
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Believe in Nature--Bernard Jensen   19 y  
A Favorite quote from The Healing Power of Chlorophyll from Plant Life
”I am a Nature boy, and I believe in Nature. I believe that without her, we’re not going anywhere. I believe Nature cures, and only she cure, but Nature needs an opportunity. Nature is very slow, but she is just and thorough. I believe we are natural people. We are children of Nature and of a Divine Spirit--both one in the same. The closer we come to Nature and follow her laws, living within cold, sun, air, water, the closer we will come to health.” --Bernard Jensen from THE HEALING POWER OF CHLOROPHYLL FROM PLANT LIFE   visit the page

Coffee,Doughnuts?--Dr. Jensen   19 y  
Survival Law #2: Our body molds to the foods we eat and to the foods we do not eat.
Our body molds to the foods we eat and to the foods we do not eat--Survival Law #2 An excerpt from THE HEALING POWER OF CHLOROPHYLL FROM PLANT LIFE by Bernard Jensen with Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener The secret of food chemistry is to replace poorly functioning body chemistry and to put back these shortages. The doctor who works with Nature can interpret symptoms of shortages and suggest foods which will make up for these chemical shortages. Food can really do things. I can’t believe food can make changes in the body the way it does. ___ I’m interested in corr ...   read more

"Come Alive!" --Dr. Bernard Jensen   19 y  
Today is Dr. Bernard Jensen's birthday. This would be his 97 birthday if he were still in the flesh. A man who was too alive too truly believe in death, at 92 he felt he had fulfilled much of his life purpose. He left the body peacefully, having giving the world more than 50 books, seen more than 350,000 patients, and touched millions with the twinkle in his eye. He began life as a man who stuttered and stammered. He left this time on earth as a man whose words of inspiration motivated his audiences to take better care. He was a man who studied with the elders of his time, a formed a vast bridge on the shoulders of those who came before him. He is a vast bridge now for those who are here now and rising up to continue his monumental work. It is you and I who continue this work stronger than ever because the world needs each of us to "Come Alive!" He demonstrated that he could come Alive, even from cancer and paralysis. His birthday message to you and I is "Come Alive!
Today is Bernard Jensen’s 97th Birthday. I begin the day clearing space in my office. I am giving him a place to sit next to me. I am giving him a vacuumed chair wide enough for his stature. I put away some sheets and towels, and things that do not belong on his chair. I shake out the pillow and the Nikken magnetic Kenko Seat pad on the chair. His favorite color is soothing blue. I find a nice fresh covering for my spiritual father to sit and watch, to sit and speak, as we work together again to rise up humanity in this the CureZone. Go to the book section of our wonderful ...   read more

Survival Law #1--Bernard Jensen   19 y  
From The Healing Power of Chlorophyll by Dr. Bernard Jensen and Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener
In honor of the birthday of Dr. Bernard Jensen I will be putting on the CureZone his Survival Laws as published in the Magic Survival Kit. These are four books written in the 70’s and 80’s. I put together two of them for him from his teachings. Your Enchanted Gardener Survival Law #1 Every disease is a sign of a lack of certain chemical elements. No disease can exist unless there is a lack of chemical elements in the body. ###   visit the page

Wanna Live in Community?   19 y  
Refined our community listing for the Fellowship for Communities (FIC). New Directory coming out this summer.
worked on refining and cutting down our listing for the New Fellowship for Community Directory. How many of you live in communities I wonder? Here is our listing... ___ Come, my friends, let us taste peace in holy foods forever; smell peace in wild baby herbs planted where unloved weeds grow; hear and feel its ode to joy from the mouth of earth-like Angels as we dare to dance with water hoses. --Leslie Goldman Your Enchanted Gardener Eight of us live together on a 1/3-acre parcel surrounded by canyons in the state-college area of San Diego. The land exists a ...   read more

Cancer at 87: NO Cancer at 92!   19 y  
This is a story I wrote intended for the Natural Foods Merchandiser Magazine about Dr. Bernard Jensen, one of the elders of the natural healing arts. I am amazed that many have not heard of this amazing man who was born on March 25. I will be leading a tour of his ranch for any of us in the Escondido, CA area. Email me for a flyer and directions at
This is a story I wrote in 2001 about Dr. Bernard Jensen. He is one of our elders. His birthday is March 25. I am leading a Tour of his former ”Hidden Valley Health Ranch” that is now up for sale. The Tour will be This Saturday from around 12. With a talk at 1 and a vege potluck 1:30 -3:00.. Anyone who wants particulars about the Tour please email me at Here is the story I wrote: Plant Your Dream! The Heart and Soul of Dr. Bernard Jensen by Leslie Goldman, Enchanted Gardener March 25, 2000, the third day of Natural Products Expo West ...   read more

Beauty and the Bugs   19 y  
NIce article here for beginners about Candida by Kat James. She is a winner and struggled wtih overweight.
I also want to recommend this article about candida by Kat James:   visit the page

Connecting with your inner lover   19 y  
You will find a few on my poems here about Feeling your deepest feelings.
You will find a few poems here on my World’s Greatest Lovers site that relate to the morning messages about healing compulsive eating, It is important to write out your feelings and feel them!!!! Your Enchanted Gardener   visit the page

Eating and the Emotions   19 y  
Kat James is a beautiful woman inside and out. Her energy is very special. I met her the other day at the Teeccino Tuscan Cafe at the Natural Products Expo West. She has a wonderful web site. I highly recommend you spending time there.
I met Kat James the other day at the NPEW. She is stunning. I took her photos. I will put some up before long here. I highly recommend that you begin studying her site, if you like I eat out of emotional stress: Here is a lovely article, I am perusing for my own good. She was happy to receive ”Your Creation” one of my Seven Love Cures. These are words men need to know and woman want to hear. I am convinced they are a major remedy for heart disease, the number one killer of women in the USA. For more about the emot ...   read more

Angry Eating   19 y  
Fiercely angry. I feel sadness stopping at Whole Foods and seeing all the products I love on the shelf, and so many heart and soul people I never saw at the show because I was doing too much. Could I have prepared any better? And then there is coming home, having spent so much energy and really achieved so much, where are the nurturing arms to meet me as they might have been here in earlier times of my life? My first day back was a day when doing nothing but feeling the the feminine moving through the garden would have been enough to do--instead I stressed to work, and work, and work....and ended the day with angry eating.
I better be careful this morning. I better not endulge in too much writing about emotions and feelings. There is too much too do. I have two deadllines today. One is getting in a revised 1500 word shortened version of the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community--where I live--for the new Fellowship for Community Directory that will be produced this summer. 2. I have to wrap up the new camera I bought, make sure it all looks as good as possible, and go to Fry’s electronic to make a return. I wonder if they will keep their word to take it back? I wonder if there is a restocking fee? ...   read more

Dr. Bernard Jensen's Birthday is Friday   19 y  
I am catching some rest, and then starting to organize all the incredible feedbacks I received from telling people about the sale of Dr. Jensen's Ranch. I want to build up the energy for my tour on Saturday at his former health ranch. I am tired, but very excited to be alive. I am going to do a lot of updating and ungrading my Dr. Jensen Tribute site. I am launching some articles I wrote on him on his birthday, this Friday.
Just letting it be known, that I intend to organize all my wonderful feedback this afternoon on Dr. Bernard Jensen Enchanted Garden Projects. I am very excited. I am in the spirit of renewal and resurrection. I am so glad his birthday is this Friday and that I will be leading a tour. It is a rebirth time for his work. I am looking foreward to sharing about him with those in the CureZone. Honor They Father. He is one of our most significant natural healing arts elders. Your Enchanted Gardener More soon on this!   visit the page

Seven Love Cures #1 entry   19 y  
I had an treacherous journey out of Orange County yesterday. I was doing extremely well during my stay with the Frog Woman of Seal Beach, but toward the end, our conversation went into emotional realms, i started to feel things about xxx, my former,,,and then I started to binge my way down the coast home. My arrival in San Diego was better than fact extraordinary. I know I will be eating well today. One day of binging was a release as well for all the dicipline I showed during my roadtrip at the Natural Products Expo West
This is my Garden Management Journal of The Mystical and Amazing Adventures of How the Seven Love Cures came to be widespread and loved and return to be a lot of fulfillment GMJ; March 23, 05 I was pleasantly pleased with the strength I was showing while staying at the home of the Frog Woman of Seal Beach. She lives not far from xxx, my former. They have been good support for each other. This was my first time staying in the area since letting go of xxx. The Frog Woman started to talk about emotional feelings she has having during our last hour together. It triggered me. ...   read more

How Grows It?   19 y  
This is the HIstory of Peace on Earth, the history of Nature's original Technology growing and our Dreams growing in Harmony with it. This is the garden report of nature growing This is my first morning returning from the Natural Products Expo West. I have many things to do today, but first things first...
A very inspired night of sleep with lots of messages and protocols running through my mind about how to make the tour of Dr. Jensen’s Ranch a success this Saturday. This is my first morning back from my roadtrip to the Natural Products Expo West. My reentry into San Diego, I will Blog in another entry called the Seven Love Cures. It is a few minutes after 7 AM. I went out to turn off the auto watering system in the back. The garden is growing skyscrappers in the seven days I have been gone from these Enchanted Garden Growing Grounds. This is the history of Peace on Earth, t ...   read more

Eat Bread and Lose Weight!!!   19 y  
Lynn Gordon has been getting good results when Woman's Bread is included in a weight loss program. See Gittleson's book "Fat Flush Diet" for more ways to lose weight that are sane and sensible.
Here is health information about the Woman’s Bread slimming system that is also recommended in Gittleson’s ”Fat Flush Diet” book: Lynn has testimonials up, and recipes. I know Lynn personnally. She is asking for other women to try this as part of a weight loss diet. I can say one thing for sure. Lynn Gordon is a great human being, and she has the welfare of women at heart. It was a pleasure to spend time with Lynn at the Natural Products Expo West March 17-20, 05 in Anaheim. Your Enchanted Gardener   read more

Clearing Space for Health   19 y  
Had a meeting with Suzee Miller, last night, a Feng Shui master who is also a new sweet friend. Some important principles of the value of space clearing, and the relationship of open space around us to having our dreams come true, are in my thoughts right now.
What you see is what you get. Most of us are accepting the booby prize. The space around us is filled with the past, and collections of old dreams that either have become clutter now or are not relevant to what we want in our future. For anything new to come in, it needs space. It needs room to manifest. If the room around us is literally filled with stuff, be in newspapers, books, personal treasures from past relationships, artifacts of dreams we thought we wanted or tools we are saving for a rainy day when we finally get to doing what we would like with our life--this is what ...   read more

Woman's Bread   19 y  
Eating some slices of "Woman's Bread" Lynn Gordon's delightful creation from French Meadow's Bakery. It was a healing adventure being with Lin and updating our Seed Dreams yesterday during the closing hour of the Natural Products Expo West. Lin and her staff epitomize Heart and Soul in Industry.
It it Monday, the morning after the Natural products Expo West. I am grounding my experience there by eating some slices of Lynn Gordon’s ”Woman’s Bread.” It is one of my favorite breads from one of two of my favorite bakeries for health. Dr. Jensen did not recommend bread at all, but he himself would indulge ever so often in what he called ”goop” days, days when he would eat almost anything that his desires wanted. I do not do well digesting bread of late, but when I do eat bread I like the rye yeast free breads that French Meadows creates. An extra treat bread for me, and for me ...   read more

Hungry Man   19 y  
It is 1:05 PM Sunday, the final day of the Natural Products Expo West. I am waiting for a new friends to arrive, and so I am cathcing up here in the Press Room. I am having insignts about the high cost of holding on too long to a person who does not want you in the way you want them. The show ends in three hours with an outrageous teardown. Tons of food items are given away. I have much to do in the next three hours, but I am stopping time now.
Dr. Bernard Jensen taught ”We must take time, we haven’t a moment to lose. In the Essene teachings it speaks of patience and experience. It says that between experiences, sup on patience as if it were a beverage. Go! Go! Go! leads to innervation, another message Dr. Jensen gave. I almost missed the highlight of this day by going too fast. I stopped at the Flower Essence Services both, Patricia Kaminshi and Richard Katz. Please look them up I do not have the link right now. I returned to Patricia to check in about the progress of the Jensen Enchanted Garden Project, ”Keeping the ...   read more

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A History of Peace on Earth from Leslie Goldman & his Higher Self Your Enchanted Gardener. Super Ripe Photos and Enchanted Garden Current Events. more...

Last Activity: 41 d ago
12434 Messages   Last message 27 mon ago
1650 Comments   Last comment 41 d ago

viewed 54,632,434 times
Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
All Comments (1650)

Blogs by YourEnchantedGardener (8):
Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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