Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
Page 8 of 731

To a 17-year- old Young Woman   19 y  
This is a message to a 17 year old young woman who I met on Sunday following the High School ReUnion Brunch. She worked at a Bakery at the Farmers' Market. I would like to continue to reach out to her if she wants help. I have never had a daughter. I do not have young people in my life I can inspire or hear. Perhaps she would like that. I know it would be healing for me. She loves to read. She liked my poem Your Creation.
D it was so good meeting you on Sunday right after the brunch from my 40th High School Reunion for Fairfax High. It was so sweet to go to the Farmers’ Market and meet someone who is now going to Fairfax High. I use to go to the Farmers’ Market a lot when I lived in the neighborhood, just like all the young people who were hanging there on Sunday. Thank you for reading my poem, Your Creation. It seemed to touch you. Thank you for allowing me to read your Blog. It is very personal as Blogs can be. It is an honor to share in your experience as a 17 year old. I have b ...   read more

Your Words Healed Me   19 y  
This is a message to two witnesses from the past, Ira Erenberg and Glenn Erso, allies from High School 40 years ago. Out of a deep conversation at our 40th High School ReUnion, I was able to pick up pieces of my life that were broken when I was 17.
This is a letter to Ira Erenberg and Glenn Erso, two high school allies who participated in a Radical Healing that occurred at my 40th High School ReUnion, April 9-10, 05 in Los Angeles. ___ Dear Ira, Dear Glenn, I am stopping time to reflect on the deep conversation we had on Sunday at the brunch, when we gathered for our ReUnion. You too have lived in my dreams for many years. I knew you both has gifts from my Soul to give me. You the special time we shared had deep meaning for you. I have long believed that between Lovers, the Radical Gift of healing, is that the ...   read more

A Message to my Father   19 y  
This is a message to my father. This is a healing of a deep issue of abandonment, and a communication of things that need to be said.
There are things that can be forgiven between Fathers and Sons. I accept I chose you to be my Father. I accept that I chose to learn the things I needed to know about my soul from you. I accept that I was born into a world of religions that do harm to children, and that fathers were once children themselves. You never intended to hurt me. You did your best. You never likely even know that you did not give me the care and attention that a child needs because you never got that care from your mother who died as well when you were very small. You grew up in the depress ...   read more

Finding Courage to be an Adult   19 y  
I am going through Radical Healing. I want to make the most of my Adult years. I am willing to allow all the good I came to do, to happen now.
”I’ve been waiting half my life to tell somebody about Leslie Goldman. Always figured I’d wait for some desperate moment. Now it’s here. LOS ANGELES TIMES MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1992 I am in the midst of radical healing, and you my dear CureZone Family are bearing witness to a transformation our world sorely needs/ I am growing up. I am accepting the willingness to be an adult in a deeply hurting world that desperately needs you and I be grown up, to be all we can be regardless of the pain we have suffered. Dr. Bernard Jensen believed in radical healing. ...   read more

Thank You!!!   19 y  
A gift of a beautiful image for you. A welcoming to explore with me my 40th High School ReUnion through reading my many recent Blogs on this.
This image is a gift! I wanted to send something lovely your way for sharing this remarkable day of life with me. I have a lot of blogs where I am culling healing from my 40th High School ReUnion. They are on pages 8 and 9 of my PlantYourDream Blog. I am writing these for personal healing as well as sharing how I approach my healing process. I hope you gain a lot too through this journey! Matthew Fox speaks of four paths that make a whole person: The Via Positiva The Via Negativa The Via Creativa The Via Tranformativa I emmerse myself if all of these to get the f ...   read more

Today is a Remarkable Day   19 y  
This Blog sets an intention fo this day: It will be a remarkable day, a great day. I will be finishing up for now review and growth from my Fairfax High School Class of '65 Reunion. I will be resting and starting to prep for Mark Victor Hansen's MEGA Marketing Univeristy that begins for me Thursday night.
We must not tarry, said Virgil if we are to get out of this inferno alive!” and so we move on... Your Enchanted Gardener April 13, 05 I am feeling tired in my head. Today is a remarkable day. My body is feeling very sexy and alive in Sarinas house of pleasure and positive Jewish experience. I have many miles through the woods to travel today. I am moving through an Inferno of memories. My bowel has not been happy. Sarina has a large drawer of cookies, and in the absence of pleasure in my own body, other than what I am giving myself, and the presence of a lot o ...   read more

The Four Destructive Emotions & Love   19 y  
What are the four destructive emotions of fear, anger, pity, and jealousy? They are blockages, blockages of love.
This is a gift for Daizy, who expresses Source Energy. This is a teaching from the Essene School of Thought. ____ The four destructive emotions that lead to blockages are fear, anger, pity, and jealousy. By giving them very names, you begin to battle illusions. There is no such thing as anger. There is no such thing as Pity, and there is no such thing as jealousy. All these things are blockages. There is no duality. There is only one energy and that energy is love. Love means harmony. Harmony is the desire for balance. Balance begets peace. What are these emot ...   read more

Father Substitutes   19 y  
Coach Ridderhof was one of the bright lights of my senior year in HIgh School. I did not have a father at home that I could call my own. The Coach saved my life and gave me a team be feel a part of.
It was in my 10th grade year that I was running the track and felt like I was breaking down. It was early in the morning, first period. I had had a very difficult time that morning at home. Ida, my stepmother, woke me up again with early morning vacuuming in the living room. That was where I slept. I was feeling compressed and angry. I did not feel safe. I had no safe place to think or study except the library, far from home. I wanted to succeed. I wanted to excel. The pressures were great. I was running around the track. We were being clocked. I was a very slow run ...   read more

The Day JFK Died   19 y  
This is the story of the feelings I had when I first began 'to break down when the condition that years later was diagnosed as arthritis. These are the feelings that were in my head. These are feelings I am in touch with now at the time of my 40th High School ReUnion.
It is said that for everyone who lived through that day, we remember where we were. I remember being on the way to Dr. Greenstadt’s chemistry class. It was greek to me. I was already suffering with hip pain. I imagine I was in the 11th grade. Somehow, because of my natural affinity, I excelled in biology. Many of the smart kids were in that class, and they natural progressed on the chemistry and higher levels of math. I was good in nature, but I had a learning disability when it came to math and this applied to chemistry as well. I was trying as hard as I could. Id ...   read more

A Love Story   19 y  
A Love story that happened to me the other day, as I was having an epihany of healing following my 40th High School ReUnion. This story is about finding others who need our support and love and giving it. They may not be able to receive the love, but we can still send it out and be grateful for whatever we have send. As Bernard Jensen taught, we love for ourselves. Love someone today because it makes this world a more lovely place.
Sunday afternoon, following an incredible healing that took place at a brunch of old friends from my 40th High School Reunion, I was the last to leave the Marie Calendar’s Restaurant on the Miracle Mile in Los Angeles. Los Angeles is the City of my Birth. It is the City where I go back from time to time and receive miraculous healing when I am open to it. I left pieces of my self in Los Angeles. The Tree of Life I am started to cripple up in Los Angeles before it showed up in my body. Then, in Los Angeles the crippledness I physically carry, so to speak-- first showing ...   read more

We love for ourselves by Bernard Jensen   19 y  
We Love for Ourselves by Bernard Jensen. Love makes the world go round. Putting this energy out was inspired by RomanceDating. I have a lot of work to do today, and she gave me some wonderful energy just now through her words. Much Love to All, Your Enchanted Gardener
We love for ourselves by Bernard Jensen: This was inspired by RomanceDating: RomanceDating:   visit the page

Lost in the Woods   19 y  
How and why did my Tree of Life grow the way it did?
”Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita mi ritrovai per una selva oscura, ché la diritta via era smarrita.” ”Midway on our life’s journey, I found myself In dark woods, the right road lost.” --Dante, from the Divine Comedy I am feeling intensely sad about ”My Poor Tree.’ I look at the lives of dear friends at my 40th High School Reunion. Some are married, some are lawyers. They seem so emotional happy, many of them. Some are here with their wifes. Some speak of children. One woman is are with her mother and her daughter. I wish I could get inside some of the li ...   read more

The End of Mercury Retrograde   19 y  
This is a moment of decision. How do I ride the waves of this week and come up with the results I would like to have by next Monday?
It is 4:37 AM Tuesday morning, April 12 and this is a moment of decision. Yesterday was the end of Mercury Retrograde. Mercury Retrograde is a astrological phenomena that occurs about every ten weeks, and lasts for about three weeks. It is an incredible time for many sensitive people. Others seem to be oblivious to it. Still others are effected by it, but haven’t a clue why they are feeling extra edgy, extra PMS, extra ready to bite the head off of anyone who gets too close. Lots of souls in bodies decide to leave during Mercury Retrograde. This time it was John Paul ...   read more

The Gang's All Here! ReUnion!   19 y  
The Gang's all here! Seeing some old friends after ten more years!
I am carrying the basket. Left of me is Ira Erenberg. Right is Glenn Erso. Please read the story of my 30th Reunion here: More soon! Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie   visit the page

Rising to the Occasion...   19 y  
Rising to the Occasion...making the most of my 40th High School Reunion
I am in a profound healing. My 40th Reunion in Los Angeles helped me piece my life together in ways I am hungering to write about. Saturday night was a wash. I arrived in L.A. late Friday night. I was exhausted all day Saturday. A few of my closest friends were at the banquet Saturday night, but I was so tired that I left around 10:30 PM and so did a lot of others. We are all around 57 now. Many of the alumni looked really good, very hansome, and the women great too. It was interested how the guys hung together and the women chatted among themselves. I left question ...   read more

Are you a "Choke?"   19 y  
Are you a "Choke"? Is your disease going to define you?
”I cannot believe the world has suffered without your writing in the world!” --Kevin Ryerson Are you a ”Choke/” Have you made the most of your God-given talent? Does it bother you that you feel deep inside you are meant to do something with this life, and not doing it is a sourse of your Dis Ease? I have this going inside me. I remember Kevin Ryerson, one of the most successful Trance Mediums, and a personal influence in my life, once saying something like the quote above. He channels one of my main life teachers, John, Son of Zebedee, a spirit guide who draws from t ...   read more

Are you a "Choke?"   19 y  
Are you a "Choke"? Is your disease going to define you?
”I cannot believe the world has suffered without your writing in the world!” --Kevin Ryerson Are you a ”Choke/” Have you made the most of your God-given talent? Does it bother you that you feel deep inside you are meant to do something with this life, and not doing it is a sourse of your Dis Ease? I have this going inside me. I remember Kevin Ryerson, one of the most successful Trance Mediums, and a personal influence in my life, once saying something like the quote above. He channels one of my main life teachers, John, Son of Zebedee, a spirit guide who draws from t ...   read more

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A History of Peace on Earth from Leslie Goldman & his Higher Self Your Enchanted Gardener. Super Ripe Photos and Enchanted Garden Current Events. more...

Last Activity: 41 d ago
12434 Messages   Last message 27 mon ago
1650 Comments   Last comment 41 d ago

viewed 54,631,505 times
Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
All Comments (1650)

Blogs by YourEnchantedGardener (8):
Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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