Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
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Rock Rose Magic # 1   19 y  
Rock Rose is one of the Bach Flower essences. It is for Shock. I needed to have that holy flower in my life today.
The flower image below is Rock Rose. It is one of the first of the Bach Flower Essences. Have you heard of flower essences? Each flower, when placed in water in the sun sounds out its essence that influences the emotions. Nature is so wonderous in all her original technology. Oh if we just took time to discover the gifts we have in her. Gaze into the Rock Rose, the photo below. The essence heals shock, and is in the Rescue Remedy available in many health food stores. I sense that the color, the pattern of five mandala-like shapes, and the inner tendrils, have an equal power ...   read more

Remedy for Shock and Overwhelm   19 y  
Remedy for shock and overwhelm. Some helping hints for facing the day.
Remedy for Shock and Overwhelm Woke up with lots of stream of consciousness inspirations for prepping and for being effective at the Natural Products Expo West Trip, March 16-21. Went into overwhelm being met with an unexpected bill asking urgency, three boxes asking to be put away, a floor wanting to be vacuumed, and ten or more ideas hitting me at once. Stop. This is not working. Recipe for shock and overwhelm: March 9, 05 8:37 AM 1. Clear the floor. Put boxes away. 2. wash a dish. 3. Play some Healing Sounds from Jonathan Goldman. Heart Sutra Track on Medic ...   read more

Gained 1.5 Pounds!!!   19 y  
Health is improving a bit. Had a good time at accupunturist today. Insights about Not being Fed by my environment and eating everything in sight.
Had a great day. Feels so good to be at my cleared off desk. I went for a weekly accupunture visit at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. My health is improving gradually. I am still having diarrhea. Steve, the supervisor at the clinic, says I have stomach-spleen weakness. This is enough to disallow food from being digested. Steve explained that when our environment is not supporting us, the stomach and spleen chi energy can go down. I am definitely on the improve. I feel that a trace mineral supplement I have been taking has made a major shift. Also the declutter ...   read more

Decluttering Issues? Post at Feng Shui Forum   19 y  
Do you have issues of healing regarding the flow of energy through your life? Are you working with decluttering, organizing, opening up physical and emotional space for new life in your life? Post these entries at the Feng Shui Forum.
Feng Shui begins with decluttering. Until you start to dust and clean and clear, few of the energetic gifts that can come from creating Sacred Space in our space can work for us. If you haven’t looked into Feng Shui, The Feng Shui Forum in the CureZone is a wonderful place to start getting introduced to the amazing world of energy movement in our lives. Your Enchanted Gardener   visit the page

The Curse of Cleanliness   19 y  
Once I started clearing my space, everything looks dirty! I can only do so much more now, but i welcome the healing that has come from winning back some areas of my office and bedroom from clutter and dirt.
I have put more time into decluttering my office and bedroom since December 1 than doing any other activity in my life. This is somethng entirely new for me. This is part of my cure for retooling my life for the next 20 years. This is a natural remedy for the diarrhea I have been having for many months. This is a natural cure for looking energetically at the things in my life, and how my energy has been blocked from doing too many things. I have to pause now. I have the Natural Products Expo West to prepare for in nine days. That is my first roadtrip of the year. I am going to ta ...   read more

Moving Desk Stagnant Energy NOW   19 y  
Clear your desk and clear your Life of stagnation! We can do this! We can master Life through overcoming the stagnation in front of us. Check in on the Feng Shui Forum and tell me how you are doing!!!!
It is 12:50 PM. I have cleared the right side of my desk, the side to the right of this laptop. This space has not been cleared like this since 2001, when I received this beautiful desk from my friend Peter Jordan of Germany as way of transfering the energy from our Orlando Feng Shui Conference to the West Coast of the USA. Such a beautiful piece of consciousness this desk! I love this desk--it’s round feminine edges, its yellow color, its sturdiness; and for all these years it has had a phone and a scanner taking up the space, as well as generally a pile of papers. The desk is s ...   read more

Cleaning Up Our Mess   19 y  
How do I make the most of this day? There are only so many hours, and there are so many areas of my room I would like to reclaim. I am going to do what I can and appreciate my good life. Feeling good with how much we can accomplish, no matter what.
I am thoroughly enjoing being in the CureZone with all of you. I am feeling less alone. I am enjoying the honest sharings of open hearted Bloggers and how they are seeking support and feel better simple saying what their life is like in the moment. Natural healing can be very fast. It can also be very slow. Dr. Jensen would speak about some men in a boat approaching a waterfall. One man’s hair turned grey in five minutes out of fear. We can burn down a house in less than an hour, but gosh, it takes so long to build anything fully. I haven’t a clue fully how I got in the mess I ...   read more

High Cost of Disorganization   19 y  
Through decluttering and organizing we can lessen our pain and increase our Self Esteem. I would like to align with others in the CureZone for mutual support.
“People pay dearly for their disorganization with time, energy, self-esteem, success, relationships, and more. For years, you may have said something like, ‘I’d like to get organized, but I don’t have the time.’ But when you look more seriously at your life, you see how painful it is to be disorganized. When you see how much it hurts, you can find the time.” --from It’s Hard to Make a Difference when you Can’t find Your Keys The Seven Step Path To Becoming Truly Organized by Marilyn Paul ...   read more

Yikes! Identify Theft!   19 y  
Hi CureZone family be careful of Paypal Identity Theft emails
Hi CureZone family, I use Paypal...made a donation to Curezone through it last week. It is a great service, but be careful about circulating emails that begin PayPal Member as this one. They are frauds and attempts to get your personal info. I feel for it and give them some before I realized this. There is a heavy circulation of these Fraud emails now. Anything from Paypal that does not have your personal name on it, is likely a fraud. Your Enchanted Gardener Fraud: Dear PayPal Member, Your account has been randomly flagged in our system as a part of our routine secur ...   read more

The Poetry of Healing   19 y  
This is a Moment of Awakening. I am 13 days from my first public outing of the year. I have been fretting about xxx for the last 24 hours. I spent the day clearing and cleaning. It is near time to shift gears and let new life in.
In the midst of my dark hour, I awaken to realize there is nothing wrong with me. I don’t need to be changed from anything. I don’t need to recover from anything. I need to discover something. I need to discover I am the form this beloved universe created for this moment to evolve itself. From the Opening stanza of Moment of Awakening ©, 2005, It is 6:19 AM Friday morning. I have been up for about an hour with fresh inspiration. I am amazed how many times you can say goodbye to the same person. All it takes is a little contact and I am right back into ...   read more

Self Inflicted Suffering   19 y  
Today I am taking time to take in more of the medicine that came from opening my heart. Today I am watching the patterns in myself to rescue and be a victim.
I am having a difficult wake up today, doing a real good job of beating myself up. The meaning of the words in the triangle Rescuer, Perpetrator, and Victim are alive in me. I can relate to being all three right now. I am experiencing Self inflicted suffering. I have been doing a good job separating from what has felt like an unhealthy relationship, a relationship that went through the various stages of romance, deep friendship, and much Soul Growth, Soul growth that comes to point out the places where I am causing myself pain and need to mend more cracks in my wholeness. I notice ...   read more

Keeping a Garden Management Journal   19 y  
A Garden Management Journal is a Blog created with an intention and grounded in the earth with a seed. As the Seed grows, so does the Seed Dream. This is what I call Enchanted Gardening, and Keeping a Garden Management Journal is a way to Plant Your Dream!
A Blog is a Blog is a Blog. A Blog going someplace--that has an intention spelled out and a dream that will be fulfilled through its writing, is a Garden Management Journal. A Garden Management Journal is a variety of Blog. It begins with a statement, ”These are the Amazing and Mystical Adventures of...(Fill in an Identification of yourself here) who grew the Enchanted Garden on Earth through planting my Deepest Seed Dreams” The Enchanted Garden is a name for our renewed earth that grows one seed and seed dream at a time, one step at a time, organically. If yo ...   read more

Quality Fresh Food   19 y  
What is quality food? Qualities of food that heal. Supporting your local "Joe the Farmer" at the Farmers' Market or growing some of your own food.
It is 3 AM Sunday, and I just woke up excited about going to the Farmers’ Market in the morning. The Farmers’ Market is like my Sunday church. I spend lots of time at home these days during the week. The Farmers Market is one of the few consistent times each week that I get to see my Farmer friends, as well as fill the refrigerator with foods that heal. I am just now starting to digest foods that for months I was unable to digest, so my mind is excited about buying some of the foods that are treats: luscious fresh fruits, as well as fresh greens. I remember years ago attending a h ...   read more

Nothing is Impossible   19 y  
Running Our "Soul" Energy: Discovering a Key for building up energy for what you and I need to do to achieve better health.
In 1998, I had my International Debut as a teacher. William Spear, author of ”Feng Shui Made Easy” invited me to teach at the Feng Shui and Ecology Conference he was having at Kipalu yoga center in Connecticut. Three days before the plane took off, I tripped and fell at Kinko’s and broke a bone in my knee. When I called the friend who was scheduled to take me to the airport, the first thing she said was, ”Gee that’s too bad! You really wanted to go on that trip!” It never dawned on me that I would not go or could not go in spite of crutches, wheelchair, and pain. Thanks to Weste ...   read more

Diarrhea Improvement after 4+ Months   19 y  
I seem to be able to digest more foods now. Plant derived, naturally chelated, smaller than colloidal trace minerals are making a big difference
I have lost tract exactly of the day or week that I lost control of my bowel and intense diarrhea began. It was some time in October 2004. I know when I set up the Enchanted Garden Installation for the Pacific Symposium of Oriental Medicine in Early November, is seemed a miracle that I was able to attend at all. My journal of remedies has no less than 30 various products or strategies. I have had various days when I have felt better, but for the most part it has been between 10-20 bowel movements a day for more than 4 months. I turned the corner about three weeks ago when I intuit ...   read more

Planting Seeds In the Rain   19 y  
Introduction: Growing Peace on Earth one Seed and Seed Dream at a time
It has been raining all night. I am sensing seeds that want to come out of packages and into the ground. There will be more rain to soak them in. This is a day to put on short pants so I can get on the ground without soiling knee pants. This is a day to put more seeds of Job’s Tears in the ground, and seeds of other plants. I am filled with insights about the Enchanted Garden Map, and how more beauty will enter the world one seed and seed dream at a time as we each connect Our Seed with many Seeds of various kinds, and connect our Soul Seed Dreams with growing seeds. We can each grow ...   read more

Yesterday did not turn out as Expected   19 y  
Intention and Purpose for this Blog.. Accepting my life as it is. Sharing Ideas for Growing our Lives in the Enchanted Garden. Garden Management Journal of steps lending energy to the creation of the 6th International Feng Shui Conference, San Diego, CA Aug 5-7, 2005
I’ve made a decision not to hold back anything. I´have decided to tell everything I’m feeling, not just the good stuff I´m feeling. I´have decided to share myself, all of myself. I can’t hold back my self from giving until what I have to give is all sweet and clean. It´s the very act of giving that sweetens and cleans me. from “Rekindling of Faith” © 2005, Leslie Goldman written in 1984 Yesterday did not turn out as I expected. I want to dedicate this first writing to JM, one of the few intimate friends I am feeling these days. JM listens. He is present. We live hundreds of ...   read more

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A History of Peace on Earth from Leslie Goldman & his Higher Self Your Enchanted Gardener. Super Ripe Photos and Enchanted Garden Current Events. more...

Last Activity: 41 d ago
12434 Messages   Last message 27 mon ago
1650 Comments   Last comment 41 d ago

viewed 54,632,510 times
Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
All Comments (1650)

Blogs by YourEnchantedGardener (8):
Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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