Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
Page 5 of 731

A Contribution from Brenda   19 y  
This is an inspired test marketing letter I wrote to a woman I found on the web. We were both in the same place at the same time in 1988. We were at Dr. Jensen's birthday celebration. More than 1200 people came from 40 countries to celebrate the llife of a man who became life stuttering and stammering and left this life being one of the greatest health motivation speakers of all time.
March 30, 2005 San Diego, California Keeping the Dream Alive: A Plan for the Purchase of Hidden Valley Health Ranch, Dr. Bernard Jensen’s home and grounds HI Brenda, You and I were both at Dr. Bernard Jensen’s 80th birthday Celebration in San Diego in 1988. More than 1200 people from 40 countries attended that Celebration, a celebration of the life of a man who began life stuttering and stammering, and who could not put a sentence together. He left this earth content, having written over 50 books. He touched countless thousand upon thousands of lives with his wit and wisdom ...   read more

Group Purchase: Jensen's" Ranch   19 y  
Owning a Piece of the Rock: The Campaign to Buy “Hidden Valley Health Ranch” for all of us
I have been very inspired this morning... now I am having a reality check... and slowing down. This is the proposal for buying Dr. Jensen’s former ”Hidden Valley Health Ranch.” There are lots of IF’s right now. But writing this was the next step. I also have numbers of the photos on line awaiting cutlines (commentaries). A very positive financial response is coming through. I sense this has to do with my decluttering, and taking time to organize. As Dr. Jensen said, to repeat a story, There were two surgeons doing a very intricate heart operation. One takes a numb ...   read more

FYI...sending emails about Blogs   19 y  
A tecnnicality you may not realize...if you like a Blog, you can send a note of thanks...
I just realized that under the title of each Blog...right at the top...there is the name of the person. If it is in blue and underlined, that means you can send them an email. I sometimes feel a loss that I can not say thank you for some of the great CureZone messages, or encourage on of our family when they are having a self doubting moment. I am now sending little encouragements through sending emails using the blue underlined names. Someimes i feel lonely. Sometimes I feel I am working very hard in a vacuum without enough support. I always feel better when I feel there is ...   read more

Raw on the Run   19 y  
suggestions to one of our CureZone family
These are some suggestions here I am making to D, one of our CureZone family about doing RAW on the run. I would also add that Bernard Jensen did 60% raw. It is about finding what works for you. You need to ask, how do I use my energy? What am I intended to do with my life and time? An Eskimo does not eat llike someone who lives in the desert. A successful vegetarian, as Jensen, would say, is someone who has worked out the tendency to argue and fight. If you are eating like a lamb and living like a lion, look out. What is your chemical type? This is the work of V.G. ...   read more

I am Good Enuf!!!   19 y  
Just woke up at around 3 20 AM with renewed energy to step out on faith with my proposal to create a group purchase for the Hidden Valley Health Ranch. I cannot tell you how many times I have planted seeds and then ripped them out of the ground before they even had a chance to become plants. Do you get my metaphor. Let me know with an email if you do the same. I think it has a lot to be with feeling I am NOT ENUF.
We had a house meeting last night, and they were talking about ADD...attention deficit disorder. I think anyone who is not ADD in our society must be doing something really spiritually profound, especially during these days of Mercury Retrograde, when I can hardly string two thoughts together that are coherent without intense spiritual practice. During the meeting, I started to really doubt the incredible writing I did yesterday that I posted in my Blog called ”Owning a Piece of the Rock” I cannot tell you how much clutter I have creat ...   read more

Nutso Crazo!!! How about YOU?   19 y  
This is definitely Mercury Retrograde, and we are riding the waves of deep personal growth. I am really going deep to write inspired writings for a REAL POSSIBLE purchase of Dr. Jensen's former Hidden Valley Health Ranch, now up for sale. I am up against my limits of learning, but feeling really good!
Mercury Retrograde is no time to enter into new deals or contracts. It lasts until April 11. In general, machines can break down, and we can break down!! Are you feeling Nutzo Crazo? I am so grateful I can st ay home and just whirl around, doing my best to write and do the next organic step. This is a real test. I am at the limits of what I know about Real Estate... which is about nothing. And yet...Wow! For the first in my life, some great folks responded to the tune of $60,000 today in real money. Of course, I would not be getting this money. It would go to the land ...   read more

Writing: Jensen's Ranch   19 y  
Note on a Passing Moment is a poem I wrote in 1977, when 100 acres of the original Hidden Valley Health Ranch was sold. I am stunned to realize how important this land is to my sold. I have been working very hard to see how it can be bought now by an Group led by the Neo-Essene Community, Inc. I am going to put to online. I wanted to share it with you.
Note on a Passing Moment In the sunny silence of the morning, I heard the water dripping and one bird echo another. I was surrounded, in meditative respect, near yet far, by brothers, saluting the new day. As they knew best, they captured the God-givne rays their own ways. In the distance they sat, separate in twos, the one pair to the North and the other pair to the South, and in between, I completing the triangle our bodies made. In the passing of the moment, I heard the land cry out, and I wondered and felt the loss of a close friend. Solemn land, light gliste ...   read more

Pushing through...   19 y  
I am having a down moment. The energy today has been impactful, and I am questioning how I am using my time. I recognize that pushing through is important if you want to "Plant Your Dream!" Dealing with the discouragement I am feeling.
I am about to push through. I want to take a moment to express the feelings because these are the same feelings that have kept me for succeeding many times. These are the feeling that block me from being able to plant my own dreams. I cannot say how many times I have felt very high, very in touch with my own spirit and inspiration, and then self esteem issues have come up, or questioning what am I doing? Here I am realizing that in order to secure Jensen’s former Hidden Valley Health Ranch, it will take $1.5 million. One of my Essene allies is willing to take out a loan for $1. ...   read more

ill effects of caffeine   19 y  
For some outstanding articles on the ill effects of caffeine and to help break coffee addicting, please go visit the Teeccino Herbal Coffee site. The latest brew, now organic, uses spices from the rainforest and is providing jobs that are allowing local people to earn money other than from cutting down trees.
Caroline MacDougal and her team at Teeccino are a company to support. This is a wonderful Herbal Coffee beverage. There are lots of public service articles on their web site on the ill effects of caffeine, and ways to remedy coffee addiction. The new organic brew has spices from Thomas Fricke of Forestrade. Both Teeccino and Forestrade are companies upholding Heart and Soul in the Natural Food Industry. I highly recommend Teeccino Herbal Coffee. To see the Forestrade site: Your Ench ...   read more

Recommended Taste Treat!!!   19 y  
Thanks for having breakfast with me! I am enjoying some basmati rice slow cooked with some jumbo raisins and lots of water in the brew. It is easy for me to digest. My bowel likes this often. I have discovered a new taste treat that is sweet and satisfying, and crunchy, but good for health. It is wheat free, and a high energy cereal. It is called Yammit! MY old friend Jay Robb makes it as one of his products.
Thanks for having breakfast with me! I am enjoying some basmati rice slow cooked with some jumbo raisins and lots of water in the brew. It is easy for me to digest. My bowel likes this often. I have discovered a new taste treat that is sweet and satisfying. It is wheat free, and a high energy cereal. It is called Yammit! MY old friend Jay Robb makes it as one of his products. Jay lived @ the Enchanted Garden here is San Diego when he first came to San Diego. He gardened for us in trade for living room. He also had an office here, where he spent time writing his book. Tod ...   read more

Garden Report   19 y  
This is the History of Peace on Earth...The Enchanted Garden growing Report. Mornign events seen while watering and planting
It is 11:11 AM. I just finished doing some watering of pots, planting of the Hidden Valley Seed Dream in the garden, and a bit of weeding. The Enchanted Garden is a name for our renewed Earth we can each grow one Seed and Seed Dream at a time organically. The Enchanted Garden grows in our own backyard. To Grow the Enchanted is to live our lives as the History of Peace on Earth. Some people actually imagine that Peace can come from fighting, terrorist, or anti-terrorist activity. This is very silly, or as my friend 9th Body of the Curezone might say. Silly, nilly, dil ...   read more

How to raise $1.5 Million in 14 days   19 y  
These are the steps I took to raise $1.5 Million + plus (?) for operating expenses the first year to secure the Hidden Valley Health Ranch(HVHR). These are the steps I took to set the foundation for purchasing my own home for around $240.000.
These are the steps to raise $1.5 million + (?) first year operating expenses to procure Hidden Valley Health Ranch (HVHR), Dr. Jensen’s former home, when you have never raised or earned more than $8.000 in a month. 1. Take out the newly repaired Mille Vacuum cleaner with the new Hospital quality dust filter and vacuum the floor, expecially under my desk. 2. Make sure my desk is microfibred clean. Use wet and dry separate blue mictrofibre cloths from houemate Scott Masters, who sells microfibre for a living. 3. Whatever I do, do NOT vacuum up the two sweet pea seeds on the ...   read more

Morning Preparation   19 y  
It is early morning, around 4;19 AM. I have been up for a number of hours building power through putting details in order through organizing papers. I am tired and about to go to bed. I will collect my thoughts and write a monumental piece of writing that will inspire 1000 of people to secure the future of Hidden Valley Health Ranch.
It is 4:19 and i want to check in before going back to bed. I have been up for a number of hours putting papers and business cards in order as a way to build power for a monumental piece of writing I will do about the Hidden Valley Health Ranch. Many people are interested in purchasing this land now. I am clear I want to be the spiritual Gatekeeper for this land, and have a role in determining spiritually its future. I will do this through setting in motion a collective of people who will make a formal offer for the 10 acres. The ultimate aim will be to have many, many peopl ...   read more

"Soak them nuts!"--Jensen   19 y  
To get the most out of our nuts, many seeds, and dried fruits, soak them overnight in water.
When shopping at Whole Foods tonight. I connected with a woman who appeared to be buying all the Black Mission FIgs that the bulk bins had. I asked her if she soaked them before eating. She said no. Dr. Jensen recommends soaking dried fruit. It called this reviving them. He also recommends soaking most nuts such as almonds, etc, to improve ease of digestion. He considers seeds, one of the four Survival foods that we wrote about in our Magic Survival Kit. book one is The Healing Power of Chlorophyll from Plant Life. book two is Survive This Day, where we discuss t ...   read more

Taking Back Power   19 y  
Tuesday afternoon reflections.. .feeling inspired and tired... working with the photos of Jensen's "Hidden Valley Health Ranch"
Today is Tuesday. I have spent the morning working with photos from the Tour of Dr. Jensen’s former Hidden Valley Health Ranch. I am coming out of a deep space of work right now. I am going to eat something, and then go to acupuncture. I am tired and content, as if I have given birth to life, to my future. I know the universe wants this land to remain in good hands. I see a community forming where many will give some amounts of money to save/free this land for all of us. I am stunned by the relationship again I am feeling to this land I have loved and that has ...   read more

Jensen and the Essene Link   19 y  
When Dr. Jensen gave up the lower ranch of 100 acres, the original Hidden Valley Health Ranch, his last talk was about the Essenes. They were deeply in his heart, and many of you here are part of the Essene Soul Group!!!
O.K., O.K. I will stop hiding.... have you heard of the Essenes??? Here is a little paragraph from one of my Essene Web sites... Call it Mosiach consciousness-- call it Messiah Consciousness-- Call it what you like-- The Essene Ecstatic Mystical Gathering is a place in consciousness  to clarify and be the healing that now holds religions apart in their different approaches to something so deep in the human Soul,  the impulse to tear open the package and simply be who we are intended. We each know we simply can no longer be hidden in the world, not for the sake of thi ...   read more

Seven Love Cures#2   19 y  
Here is a lovely review I am reading about my Seven Love Cures that I found on the web. It makes me smile. I know I am taking back power in my life and the messages I am writing are gettting out! The Seven Love Cures are words men need to know and women want to hear.
Resource Recommendations Each morning at the Feng Shui conference {LAST AUGUST IN SAN LUIS OBISPO] we started with an opening ceremony. As a voice read ”Your Creation,” I couldn’t hold back the tears as I thought of those who have become part of my life. Needless to say I had to meet the man behind the voice and learn more about the poetry. His name is Leslie Goldman, endearingly called The Enchanted Gardener. When I coach people who are looking for a mate, one of their instructions (when identifying who they want to call into their space) is to avoid packaging (concentrate on the cont ...   read more

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A History of Peace on Earth from Leslie Goldman & his Higher Self Your Enchanted Gardener. Super Ripe Photos and Enchanted Garden Current Events. more...

Last Activity: 41 d ago
12434 Messages   Last message 27 mon ago
1650 Comments   Last comment 41 d ago

viewed 54,632,438 times
Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
All Comments (1650)

Blogs by YourEnchantedGardener (8):
Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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