Ya’ think??
by kerminator
Page 10 of 16

The Holy Spirit Part 1   12 y  
*** While there is but one source of power which is found in the Holy Spirit... There are five channels through which we (you) may exert the power of the indwelling and guiding Holy Spirit!
There is in the possession of every Believer five outlets of Power! These 5 outlets are as follows: 1) What I am among others. 2) What I say to others. 3) What I do before others. 4) What I give of my possessions. 5) What do I dare to claim in the Name of Jesus. The first four are limited in their scope... Yet the last is infinite, omnipotent and omnipresent as God Himself! Therefore through the avenue of believing prayer I can partake of the omnipotence of God and come to utilize His omnipresence... You can greatly influence others by What I Am. The influence o ...   read more

Going Evil....   12 y  
*** People were given a free agency or freedom of choice; most of which is misused and wasted in self centered interest and living a destructive life style! .....
The world is fast becoming an evil place dominated by the lies of Satan... Proof! Here is the truth: 1) - Anti truth... Being Gay is OK? If everyone was ” Homosexual ”’ none of us would exist because there would have not been any meaningful reproduction! 2) - Non Religion is actually believing... All of the so called Atheism; is false because they actually believe in a Superior Almighty God; if not why do they rail against someone or thing that they do not believe exist? 3)- Liberalism, or wanting a perfect world by human standards.... Most if not all the grief in the wor ...   read more

Who is BHO exactly?   12 y  
**** It sure looks like there have been some very unusual things going on with some gov't actives... Read the following!
For anyone who has done even a cursory study of Barack Obama’s life, they know that his radical Marxist views are not a recent phenomenon. During his New York years, he was a frequent participant in the annual Socialist Scholars Conference held in Manhattan. In the 1990s, he was affiliated with the Marxist New Party. He called for an outright ban on guns in 1996. Through the 1990s and 2000s, he funneled millions of dollars to socialist front groups like ACORN, via the Woods Fund and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. His buddy, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, helped stuff the money in ...   read more

Logic & Common Sense   12 y  
*** From a post on Patriot Update - " The Founding of Our Idiocracy " by Marilyn Assenheim 16 Feb '13
** This is paraphrased from the orig article! Lying to us, day in and day out, such behavior is a staple of a dictatorship. Such isn’t the major problem, however in order for such an alarming dichotomy to even become possible; there has to be a total disregard for logic and common sense. Yet no one is even addressing the issue! First, Common Sense is anything but common. Like every action a human being can perform, either physical or mental, common sense must be learned. A human being is not born with such ability, fully developed. Then true logic must accompany common sense ...   read more

What happen along the way?   12 y  
Why all the disillusionment?
The idea that we were created with certain inalienable rights; which is based upon freedom of choice seems to have disappeared! In it’s place we find a new politically correct ruling system? What happened? Why is it that with more education in this country over the past hundred years that we still have a result of so many who can not understand the simple truth? I believe that many of the so called better ”educated” have for the most part fooled themselves; by not learning the lesson! Because obviously while they were great test takers; they never mastered the content of the l ...   read more

What do you drink?   13 y  
Over 80% of your body is made up of water, therefore it is important to have proper type and amount to live a good life!
Here is a quick over view on what you should drink: From article : May 12, 2011 | By Angela Ogunjimi Why You Shouldn’t Drink Saltwater You may have probably taken an involuntary swig of saltwater during an unexpected wave at the beach, but saltwater isn’t meant for human consumption. Drinking too much saltwater for too long begins the process of dehydration, which, if not corrected, may lead to organ damage and death. Your Water Needs: Water is essential to maintaining your life. You must replace the fluids you lose daily to support processes such as growth, regulat ...   read more

The Witnessing Prayer - Ron Wyatt   13 y  
Effective "divine encounters" are reconfirmations from God that we are in His will. Attacks by Satan and his hosts, both human and demon, are another reconfirmation of our walk with God. No attacks means we're doing Satan's will, not God's.
THE WITNESSING PRAYER I have shared with you my addiction to ”divine appointments”. God, in His mercy, has invited us sinners (in rehabilitation) to bear faithful witness to Him, His character and salvation. You, with me, can be certain that you are in His will by taking three simple steps: 1) Ask God, in Christ’s name, to forgive and cleanse you of every sin that separates you from His will. 2) Pray the ”witnessing prayer”, that you may be honored of Him by being led by His Spirit to bear effective, saving witness and/or help someone for whom Christ died. 3) When He provides ...   read more

Final part 3 of the Obama control plan...   13 y  
Here is the last of the three part plan:
There’s a small subset of stocks that trade on the major stock exchanges in the U.S. that own huge chunks of land and earn royalties for any oil and gas that’s produced from that land. Some of these land holding companies also earn money selling oil and gas leases. Let me show you one of the biggest in the U.S. We recommended it in our True Wealth newsletter two years ago. We told folks to buy it under $30. Our recommendation made headlines at Bloomberg because our firm has acquired a pretty solid reputation for having valuable insights. As you can see… the shares recently were tradi ...   read more

Part of BHO Tyrant?   13 y  
Second part of the grand plan!
That’s why… to know what’s going on today… we first have to take you back in time… WHAT A REAL OIL BOOM LOOKS LIKE It’s 1901. Most of the world still lives in darkness. Kerosene, for lighting, is still a luxury. That’s why you bought, “The Big Hill” in Texas. It’s a huge salt dome. Locals say there’s no oil in it -- or in the dozens of salt dimples just like it that dot the Texas landscape. Drilling was very difficult at first due to very little rock and several hundred feet of sand. This made the hole prone to caving in. Curt Hamill, one of your drillers, came up with a rev ...   read more

IS BHO An Anti Christ {World Tyrant}?   13 y  
Here is 3 part study; so it is easy to understand!
The Third Term INSIDE: The Secret Plan to Retain Power Through 2020 I didn’t vote for him. I don’t admire him. I don’t care for his class warfare politics… or the way he’s lived his life. He’s never had a real job. He’s never tried to make a payroll or hit a sales goal. Instead, he constantly makes excuses for other people and himself. He tells one lie after another… and then grandstands on his “integrity.” He’s nothing but a charlatan. Even so… I know Obama will become the greatest president in U.S. history. Much like Kennedy, this has something to do with his char ...   read more

More truth if you can stand it!   13 y  
Why do certain people continue to {lie }misrepresent the truth ??
 Here is a comparison!   This is a bit long but a quick read. I found it most thought provoking and had no idea the numbers!!! A short time ago, Iran’s Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Ali Khomenei urged the Muslim World to boycott anything and everything that originates with the Jewish people. In response, Meyer M. Treinkman, a pharmacist, out of the kindness of his heart, offered to assist them in their boycott as follows : "Any Muslim who has Syphilis must not be cured by Salvarsan discovered by a Jew, Dr. Ehrlich. He should not even t ...   read more

Telomeres?   14 y  
Here is an over view that could help you understand how your body reacts and operates... See complete article @ simplytruth.com along with many other life changing helps!
    Does your Doctor know? ARE TELOMERES THE KEY TO AGING AND CANCER? Fluorescence-stained chromosomes (red) on a microscope slide. Telomere sequences (yellow) reside at the ends of each chromosome. Inside the center or nucleus of a cell, our genes are located on twisted, double-stranded molecules of DNA called chromosomes. At the ends of the chromosomes are stretches of DNA called telomeres, which protect our genetic data, make it possible for cells to divide, and hold some secrets to how we age and get cancer. Telomeres have been compar ...   read more

" It's about to blow " said Scottie   14 y  
Does anyone understand what's happening? looks like the last days to me!
How is Congress handling the problems?  What has America become? Has America become the land of special interest and home of the double standard? Let’s see: If we lie to the Congress, it’s a felony and if Congress lies to us it’s just politics. If we dislike a black person, we’re a racist and if a black dislikes whites, it’s their 1st Amendment right. The government spends millions to rehabilitate criminals and they do almost nothing for the victims. In public schools you can teach that homosexuality and lesbianism is ok, but you better not use the word G ...   read more

WOW! A new sex stimulation device!   14 y  
This new electrical wonder is suppose to really work... Maybe it will help some find the pleasure they seek!
  People has looked for stimulation for ages, maybe we have found an answer!   An American company has released what is believed to be the first of its type - an electrical sexua| stimulation device. Stimulation Systems is a Texas-based company specialising in ’electronic consumer products that bring pleasurable, life-enhancing solutions to the world. ’The company’s first such product is a hand-held device known as the ’Slightest Touch’ which works by stimulating the nerve pathways (in much the same way that acupressure or acupuncture does) associated with sexua| ...   read more

Green Jobs   14 y  
Here is the real story with so call Gov't jobs programs; which does not really work... people need to find employment with businesses, or learn to do their own thing! The Gov't can't physically employ everyone, because who would pay the taxes to support Gov't? {It does not work folks, no matter what the politicians say!}
  Green Jobs Training Program Falls Short A $500 million green jobs program at the Department of Labor has so far provided only 15 percent of current participants with jobs, leading the agency’s inspector general (IG) to recommend that the bulk of the money be returned to the Treasury, says the New York Times. The program, which was funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, aims to find employment for almost 80,000 people by providing grants for labor exchange and job training projects. With those grants expiring over the next 15 months, IG o ...   read more

US Constitution vs Sharia Law   14 y  
Why do some people want to change anything that opposes their ideas or views; even though it would create more problems!
  Dear Patriot,     A couple of days ago someone told me that he would rather have Muslims ruling America over the Tea Party. It took a few seconds for the comment to sink in but once it did it made me feel sick. I knew the man was a devout Liberal but Islamic law would be better than the Constitution?   I asked him about what he knew of Sharia Law; specifically how it is acceptable for a man to beat and even kill his wife and children if they do not submit to his rule. I asked about their treatment of homosexuals which is a crime punishable by ...   read more

Corporations are people too!   14 y  
Corporations do not pay taxes; rather they just collect money for the IRS! Where plans like the "Fair Tax" can make the US a financial power plant again... With less gov't! HUH!
  When Mitt Romney said “ corporations are people,” the Leftist Democrat Dominionists went crazy. How could he make such an absurd statement? How can an impersonal gigantic corporation be a person? For the simple reason that a corporation is “group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law.” Not only are those on the Left out of touch with the Constitution, they are completely ignorant of economics and the way a business operates. Corporations are owned by lots of individuals. If you are inv ...   read more

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Last Activity: 4 y ago
275 Messages   Last message 4 y ago
127 Comments   Last comment 10 y ago

viewed 2,052,189 times
Created: 20 y   May 02 2005


Comments (10 of 127):
Re: What has happe… kermi… 10 y
Re: Why the Islami… kermi… 11 y
Re: Ti voglio bene… kermi… 11 y
Re: Reimage yourse… kermi… 11 y
Re: Paradigm analy… kermi… 11 y
Re: Salavery is no… kermi… 12 y
Re: Salavery is no… ren 12 y
Re: Natl Health Ca… kermi… 12 y
Re: Natl Health Ca… kermi… 12 y
Re: Have you ladie… kermi… 14 y
All Comments (127)

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My Unusual Road of Life....  31 mon  (1929)
My Quest for the Truth of Lif…  3 y  (310)
Absolute Truth Some Wisdom an…  4 y  (291)
Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Ma…  32 mon  (224)
Southern Etiquette or life in…  4 y  (212)
Forgotten Words!  3 y  (120)

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