Can we lie our way to wealth and success?? DUH!! Not for long. 20 y
If there is one thing we need to learn it is that the truth will prevail, sooner or later... DUH!! Nothing will save you from the truth, certainly not a lie....
What in the world is really worth lie ing, cheating and stealing?? DUH!! Folks this answer should set off bells, and whisles... NOTHING.... GOT IT!!
Many of us go through life looking for an easy answer.... I must admit I have fallen pry to that line of thought at times past.... But the real answers must be found one at a time and then the solutions worked out with fear and trimbeling...
We are not talking about some simple, everyday occurrence type questions, like which shoes should I wear today, or should I go to the movies ton ... read more
Some of the things in life... We fool ourselves... DUH!! 20 y
How many times have you spent looking for answers that where right before you all the time.... As plain as the nose on your face, folks....
Life is really just a real time movie... Many people today want to watch some virtual reality story on TV, movie or video, but the real life is right under their nose.... DUH!!
Why is it what we look so hard for the answers that lay right in front of us?? DUH!!
What is is about not looking at the closest place first?? So many people spend much of their life looking for answers in far away places and so many are right where they started?? So the advice here is to first start looking for your answers where you are and not in some far off place... DUH!! ... read more
Some things we do will last forever... DUH!! 20 y
Why do we seek the impossible and not pay attention to the most precious things in life right before our eyes??? DUH!!
We are back for a look at why we are so ready to become involved with things that will do us little good in the eons to come... DUH!!
It seems that many people, spend much of their life chasing after some elusive dream or thing... Most of the time what we need is right before our eyes... It only takes some appraisal and thought... DUH!!
Unfortunately many people are are so caught up in their every day life that they have over liked the obvious things... {Myself included} It takes concentration and thought... Thought i ... read more
Perfect...Some of us don't seem to get the message.. DUH! 20 y
Perfect is a highly desirable trait, but not really obtainable, in this life... Perfect is as perfect does... I am as near perfect as I can be... We should all strive to be the best we can in this life....
Perfect, what is it and how does one come to get or become perfect??
Lets think about this thing called perfect; as some people like to use, folks.... That means being with out spot, wrinkle, any blemish or other deformity, absolutely ideal in every respect.... That is a tall order folks... DUH!!
Oh I believe there are some examples of near perfection, but not any real perfect stuff, things, or people.. That goes for every man,woman, and child... This is another of life’s true facts, you can put in your brain trust, folks.... There is not anything perfect on thi ... read more
Some times we need to do better.. 20 y
Progress is our report card... We need some A's at times, to cancel out the F's of life...
As the days go by, we need to try to keep our minds sharp... That is the part, of life that we need to use to keep our selfs ready... Ready to do our best so we can even out the playing field of life...
The obvious things of life cause us to consider and reconsider our choices... Life is about choices and the actions we take to perform not only the things in our lives, but also those we are serving..... What we should do is to shape our days...
Things happen.... We (you) will make mistakes and do stupid things, no doubt!! So just get ready to ... read more
Today could be another DUH day are you ready?? 20 y
Don't let things sneak up on you, be ready with a plan of action... What you do not know can and will hurt you folks, bet on it ...DUH!!
Did not think I would be back.... DUH!! I am here till the trumpet sounds...
What ever happened to I (we) will try harder?? Well as you (we) look about us we see many things that are not right, or correct.... Why? Because most people don’t really care... All they want is things and more stuff....
There is a theory that if we could divide up all the known world’s riches, things and such evenly among all the people of the world; in less than a year most would be in the same place they are today without and wanting.... ... read more
DUH!! is what we get when we disregard the obvious... 20 y
The 6th sense or other premonition can guide you toward not having another DUH day....
It always appears that we know everything until something goes wrong, then it is someone else’s fault... DUH!! Most things we decide to do are a result of our lack of awareness or just plain stupidness... (stupid is knowing better, but still doing something any way) The world is full of stupid mistakes... DUH!!
What we need to do is come up with a better plan to over come these stupid ideas... refer to "Brain Boot Camp" blog for some more ideas on the subject... The whole idea is to stop, look and listen... A fe ... read more
Well I ran off the road yesterday folks... DUH!! Bump, crash, #%*@ whatever... 20 y
Sometimes it is what you don't see or plan for that throws your whole life out of focus... DUH!! But you just have to get back on the bike...
Why do we let ourselves become so stupid when we have been so smart??
This is one of the answers of the ages, folks... It seems that people will go along for sometime doing everything just so right, then a bump in the road of life... DUH!!
Well that has happened to me more than I care to discuss, folks.... Just maybe it has happened to you also?? The question is what can we do about it?? { There is a key idea here folks, do you see it in the following paragraphs?? If not we need to talk..}
The correct and only answer is to ge ... read more
Cute doesn't last.... DUH!! Awareness is the key... 20 y
If you only knew the future, most people would not go for a romp in the hay with that "cute" person who just came along.... Awareness is the key... Folks....
Another week, and many opportunities.... We should look for the best in everything, we do.... There are always choices in life, it is that many people don’t want to make any.... DUH!! But when you don’t make the choice; you already have.... No choice is a choice.... Ready or not... DUH!!
If you have a problem with choices refer to "Brain Boot Camp" & "Absolute Truth, Some Wisdom and Intercourse" blogs for ideas and direction(s).... There are some others, just reply or email and we can talk....
Some pers ... read more
I hope you feel small when you stand beside the ocean... DUH!! 20 y
There is not such thing as a perfect life... DUH!! What we must do is set our priorities in order and move ahead, one day at a time... Problems are just opportunities to grow in life, stepping stones as it were.... DUH!!
It amazes me that so many people continue to allow themselves to be caught is the trap of their sorrows.... Life is an adventure good or bad... It is what we make of it, our choices do count.... DUH!!
This type subject matter is normally developed on my "Absolute Truth, Some Wisdom and Intercourse" blog... But some times it does not hurt to repeat a message...
I have followed most of the blogs in the top 50, and see many with good sensible information... Some with some limited point of views, {which is all right} and a few where the p ... read more
Life is more than mesmerizing, it is real.... DUH!! 20 y
We all live our lives but once and some their problems many times over... What is wrong with this picture... DUH!!
Life is about your experiences and thoughts; why waste it on yesterdays... We will only get one time to make this our manuscript of life..... So until the ink of your life’s dries on that last day, you can write the best ending to your life’s story....
We will revisit this again soon and pick up on the theme.... visit the page
Some of the stuff people do in life, really makes you wonder.. 20 y
It really takes some thinking and reasoning on your part to cut down on the DUH factors in your life.... Think.... DUH!!
Saw one of the best DUH... list on the wall of a campus police dept. showing some of the reasons that college students had given for getting parking tickets.... I will list some, see what you think.... DUH!!
1) Only part of my car was illegally parked....
2) Did not understand the sign(s)...
3) No place else to park.....
4) It was only for a few hours....
5) That violation has not been enforced in years...
6) It was exam day and I was late....
7) I have done it for years....
8) I thought you could park on the grass, when the lots w ... read more
Duh!! Life is more than just a romp in the grass... 20 y
We need to find the real purpose in your life...
We all need to try and see the big picture... What are you going to do with your life??
There are not any insignificant people in life... Everyone has a place, and all the people; you have placed in your life’s pathway are there for a purpose... DUH!
One of the key items we need to do is find our purpose in this life...
We will be looking what things that lead to the rest of our lives...
1) Be slow to anger..
2) Be quick to listen..
3) Be swift to help others..
4) Offer hospitality..
5) Learn to let go...
We will search and develope these life items in the future.. ... read more
What are we doing here??? Duh... 20 y
It is your life; what are you going to do with it..DUH! Lets look ahead to where will you spend eternity...
Life is a question... What are we doing here?? And more important where are we going... DUH! Lets look at some ways to see where the answers are....
Start with what you know and work from there... DUH!
Here are some things we know, each person will have to determine what else to add:
1) We are all alive, i.e. air breathers, food consumming, thought producing and reproductive ual beings...
2) We know we are a being... And that we therefore share this existance with similar beings..
3) We are part ... read more
Sometimes just paying attention is not enought.... DUH!! 20 y
We may not like the truth, but it is real life... So live it if you dare!!
Back again folks.... Yes sir and ma’ms you just never really know what the future holds... So lets all plan to have our head on right, and stand by for action(s)....
It seems that if you look back over what has happened, you will be surprised how you survived this long.... I know I do.... [See my "Road of life " bolg ] for some real experiences that I have lived throuh.... My English may not be perfect but at least you get the message.... The only way I would want to live my life over again is if I was able to go back with all the know ... read more
It is easy to see yesterday, but tomorrow is a different story. 20 y
Today is truly the first day of the rest of your life... DUH!! So lets get on with it...
Lets look at some things in life..
We need to get ready to go slay some dragons today... What that means is we need to be ready, willing and able to go forth and do what ever is necessary...
Life was not meant to be a safe , dull, mundane existance... Like many people think!
Today is the first day of the rest of your life... So what are you going to do with it... Forget what happened or did not yesterday, lets get ourselves focused on the rest of our lives.... We can’t change a thing that was done yeste ... read more
No matter how hard we try; the DUH factor will catch us unaware! 20 y
Every day we must try and control the DUH factors in your life..
As we look out on our lives; it becomes apparent that we are not perfect....
There are times when we all; get slapped in the face with the DUH factor... Things we have done which we should have known better about... I think sometimes it happens almost daily, for me.... Yesterday was a fine example...
We need to try and read {not read into} other peoples feelings... This is difficult epically if you are male and over forty... I seem to stumble thru live sometimes, thinking I am the best thing since sliced bread.... Of course you all know t ... read more
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