Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Perfect...Some of us don't seem to get the message.. DUH!

Perfect is a highly desirable trait, but not really obtainable, in this life... Perfect is as perfect does... I am as near perfect as I can be... We should all strive to be the best we can in this life....

Date:   8/11/2005 9:20:35 PM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2821 times

Perfect, what is it and how does one come to get or become perfect??

Lets think about this thing  called perfect;  as some people like to use, folks....  That means being  with out spot, wrinkle,  any blemish or other deformity, absolutely ideal in every respect....  That is a tall order folks... DUH!!

Oh I believe there are some examples of near perfection, but not any real perfect stuff, things, or people..  That goes for every man,woman, and child...  This is another of life's true facts, you can put in your brain trust, folks....  There is not anything perfect on this earth..... DUH!!     Maybe near,  but not perfect!!

Well, OK now that we have got the facts, lets look at where we are now...  You (we) should take everything as it is, and not read into it anything...  Lets try to just be absolute honest and up front about what is...  Accept the fact(s), there is no perfect anything on this earth today...  Maybe close..... Not perfect....

 Things in this life are just that. not any so called pie in the sky,  In fact the Native Americans, when ever they make something they purposely place a visible flow in it so that no one will ever think that  it is perfect....  Not a bad thought, folks....  Lets work on our ideas of life and learn to help others.... 

Leave you with an Ole southern saying..  " Perfect is as perfect does...."  And I am as near perfect as I can be....  So we all should be folks.....   See Ya....

A little food for thought " If you were perfect, you would not be here..."

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