Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Today could be another DUH day are you ready??

Don't let things sneak up on you, be ready with a plan of action... What you do not know can and will hurt you folks, bet on it ...DUH!!

Date:   7/21/2005 2:52:49 PM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2670 times

Did not think I would be back.... DUH!!   I am here till the trumpet sounds...

What ever happened to I (we) will try harder??  Well as you (we) look about us we see many things that are not right, or correct.... Why?  Because most people don't really care... All they want is things and more stuff.... 

 There is a theory that if we could divide up all the known world's riches, things and such evenly among all the people of the world; in less than a year most would be in the same place they are today without and wanting....  Why??  

Mostly because many people do not know how to handle their personal items in life...  Take a look at the current housing market in the USA...  For an example San Diego CA;  the property values over all have doubled since 2000, (5 years), but the area salary has only gone up appox. 5%....   What is wrong with this picture ? Boys and girls...  This can not go on forever... DUH!!  There will be a correction!!

The people who are playing musical chairs hoping to cash in on some speculation in the housing market, will be some sad suc***s when the music stops and they do not have a seat any more.... DUH!!   It doesn't take a lot smarts to tell you that nothing goes on long with out some support....  DUH!! 

 Mortgage payments, for the true value of the house{What you can actually sell it for} but once the value is down, and the salary can not support the payments....  By by, adiós, Los amegos....  Something has to give....  DUH!! 

What you do not know can and will hurt you, folks...  Bet on it..  DUH!!

If you need some more info, go to the money blog, & Quantum Intelligensia blog;  by 9th Body...  This may help you see the light... or fright...    

Will have to post some more soon, so stay tuned, folks...   see ya...

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