Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

I hope you feel small when you stand beside the ocean... DUH!!

There is not such thing as a perfect life... DUH!! What we must do is set our priorities in order and move ahead, one day at a time... Problems are just opportunities to grow in life, stepping stones as it were.... DUH!!

Date:   6/30/2005 9:44:50 AM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2644 times

It amazes me that so many people continue to allow themselves to be caught is the trap of their sorrows....   Life is an adventure good or bad... It is what we make of it, our choices do count.... DUH!!

This type subject matter is normally developed on my "Absolute Truth, Some Wisdom and Intercourse" blog...  But some times it does not hurt to repeat a message...

I have followed most of the blogs in the top 50, and see many with good sensible information...  Some with some limited point of views, {which is all right} and a few where the people are searching....  Which is what life is about... DUH!!

What we must do folks is get our life's priorities in order...  We can not, {never ever change what ever has gone on before...} relive the past....  So we must come to terms with what ever; and move on....  DUH!!

Today is the first day of the rest of your life so live it large.... For those of you that hurt and sit around feeling sorry; get over it and move on....  This is the best advice I can give...  DUH!!  

We understand that things do not or have not worked out as you planned or thought they would....  But that is life folks, believe me, every day is a new opportunity...  What are you going to do with your life from now on??   Go to "Brain Boot Camp" blog for some more ideas, as well as some others by Ren & 9th Body...  {There are some other fine sites (blogs) just ask for a listing}

You need to get your life going in the right direction or it will end up in the wrong place.... DUH!!  

  If you need help we can help, reply or email for easy to follow directions on how to live life to its fullest...    Life was meant to be lived and it was never supposed to be perfect and with out problems....  DUH!!

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