Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

DUH is not just for dummies... or me!!

Duh you should stop your stupid mistakes and get yourself on the Right track again... But you can always screw up and have a DUH day...

Date:   6/5/2005 4:15:45 PM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2110 times

While we must always seek to not have a DUH day it happens to the best of us... What we will be doing is using a fictitious story line; about persons who made up, and any similarity to actual persons living or dead is purely coinsidencial... DUH not real...   The idea is to show how Duh days happen and what we can learn from it!!

Today we find the Eagle Rangers; Ranger Joan and Ranger Joe,  out on the trail once more; preparing to save and instruct those of us with lesser outdoors knowledge...  Lets look in on their activies...

"Where are we off to today, Ranger Joe{ or Kator}?"  ask his faithful female partner  Ranger Joan {or Lovey}??  

"Well it is high time we planned a trip to the coast, Joan...  Do we have everything ready??"

"DUH... You know I am always prepared... Kator; lets hit the trail, and see what is waiting just over the next hill..."  Replied Lovey...

"Sorry I was thinking we were dealing with some of those never ready bunch; we find out on the trail(s) of life....  Forgive me, Lovey...  I will think it over next time  before just assuming again...  That is why you are a faithful partner, and side kick...  We are a team, you intelligence and my quick reflexes....  We are almost unbearable... "

Lovey replies "Almost, why we are unbeatable!!;   And what is this side kick stuff, do you want a kick in the side???"

"Way to go, Lady you are so right again..."  replies Kator   "Sidekick is an Ole cowboy movie term, I pickup when I was a young whipper snapper..."

"Well I am not a sidekick and you are not a young whipper snapper either..."

"OK, let me go this time, faithful partner.."  replies Kator  "Lets go.."

"Zip Zip and away..." shouts Kator, and off they go... 

So on to the ocean side they proceed...  While unknowns to them is one of their greatest adventures of all time...   

Lets break here till we get the details and then the story will pick up again on the next update....   See ya then...

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