Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

It seems that life comes up and slaps us in the face ready or not..

We all need to be ready to answer "All Bells"; a nautical term which says that we are ready to respond to every request...

Date:   5/24/2005 3:17:25 PM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 1819 times

Here we are again, this time I must admit that life slips up and grabs you ready or not...  I try to be proactive, and keep my options ready...  But then it seems that the more prepared I think I am the farther out I become... 

Though I feel that I live a simple; people tell me...  That  I am high energy, speaking to almost any who come in my pathway..   So say I am a flirt.. Though I don't see it that way, maybe it just that I have gotten over being shy...  Then I used to not be very much for hugs and hand holding stuff...  But now mainly with the ladies, I am  a big hugger, and love to touch and hold peoples hands when we speak up close...  It is not a sexua| thing, though hugging some women does feel real good...  I interact with all races, colors, creeds, and kinds... 

Back to our theme, life will come up and get you sometime ready or not..  That is what happened  yesterday...  I have corresponded over e-mail with a nice intelligent lady, who shares some interests with me...  We have been somewhat informal and understanding about each of our lives...  But in an overview, we know just the bare essences of each others personal life... Which is ok...  Many times a little is a lot more that we realize...    

What we must do is try to keep all things in prospective...  At times I do seem to need prespective, and it is at such a time life, it came in the form of a simple question...  The truth will sneak up and hit you right between the running lights...   It was so yesterday..  Thank GOD, I received the awaking...  Well after some considerations and thought I answered the lady, and put myself back into some order, I think....  Maybe...  Maybe Not...   Time will tell, since we never know what tomorrow will bring us...   All I can say is be prepared for whatever comes your way...     Thanks dear lady friend for being so real and to the point...  I needed that!


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