Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

What we don't say can help someone else!!

People say some stupid things.... DUH!!

Date:   5/6/2005 8:28:23 PM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 1858 times

Some DUH; statements... which we have all heard some time or other...  Lets start:

Things like if you are at a movie theater, and the person behind you ask " Did you see that?"  DUH... My answer is " No, I paid to come in here and look at the seats..."

How about the advertisement that says something is "New and improved" this is another DUH, statement....  Because which is it?? If it is new, then there has never been; so how could it be improved...    Then further, if it is improved then it could not have be new or there would not be anything to improve....  DUH...

Another one we like is; when someone loses item, someone ask " Where did you lost it??"  The best answer is " If I knew that, I would go get it!! " DUH...   

Have you ever been waiting at a bus, tram, subway or trolley stop, and have someone come up and "has it come yet?" DUH... " No I am just standing here watching people go by..."

Another one is when someone has a flat tire, and someone comes up and ask "Did your tire go flat?"  DUH....  Answer "No the other three just blew up while I was standing here..."

The DUH factor is everywhere, and we should try to eliminate it if at all possible... Next time you see, or hear these type statements, be positive, before asking any stupid... DUH questions....

These are of course not all the possible, DUH statements,  we will explore more situations in future editoricals....  Stay tuned....  


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