Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

You have think out side of the box, to really see life... DUH!

Life is action, and most of history is about people who got beyond the box... Don't get boxed in friend...

Date:   5/31/2005 11:47:07 AM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 1731 times

Some DUH days will happen, what we need to do is cut down on these stupid occurances...  Diminish the odds against us...  Get outside the box, that society, has placed us in.....

A lot of people want you (us) in a box....  The reason that is how they know what you are doing, thus it is a control mechinism...  Like keeping your dog in a fenced yard, you can look out  and know that it will be with in that area.... CONTROL.... {Key word today} Always look for my theme and this will direct your mind to expand and enjoy a better life... [See Brain Boot camp Blog]  

Some control is necessary in life, we all must live together so there are some simple social rules...  Rules of the road, both for land and sea... Also in the air...  So some rules are needed...  Then based on the ten commandments, and scriptures references there are basic how to treat your neighbor rules, which we should all try to observe...  {don't steal, lie, murder, bare false witness to name a few}   If you are confused here; you do need help and there are many organizations out there...  Reply or email and we can get you connected or point you in the right path....

Working outside the box....  The rules are there to help you (us) deal with life... Now there are times, when you will or should think outside the box....  All of the rules and regulations in life are not 100%...  Meaning that there will be times to go beyond them...   Couple of examples:

 1) If you come up to a traffic signal and it is 02:00 in the morning, the light is "RED" and after you sit there for several minutes, not a vehicle in sight....  DUH  just maybe you should proceed, after looking both ways...    

2) You are in a large public building which has signs showing directions of traffic flow in the hall ways....  But following the flow signs you notice there is a fire, in front of you, so should you just stand there??   DUH, stupid people will always get burned that way...  Do what you must to escape the fire, to heck with the signs...

These are just two of many examples... Do you get the picture here??  If not we need to talk...  Your life is based on decisions you make and yes there are times to think outside the box....  The box is there to help you and not harm or hurt you...  There are some real control freaks out there who want to keep you in the box, and put a lid on to make them feel better or make their life easy...   Remember life is not easy, it is an adventure to be experienced...  It not just a stroll through a rose garden...  DUH you have this figured out by now....   If not we need to talk...

Will pick up later same Bat channel, same Bat time....  If you remember those days...

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