Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Sometimes just paying attention is not enought.... DUH!!

We may not like the truth, but it is real life... So live it if you dare!!

Date:   6/13/2005 2:38:20 PM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 1812 times

Back again folks.... Yes sir and ma'ms you just never really know what the future holds...  So lets all plan to have our head on right, and stand by for action(s)....

It seems that if you look back over what has happened, you will be surprised how you survived this long....  I know I do.... [See my "Road of life " bolg ] for some real experiences that I have lived throuh....   My English may not be perfect but at least you get the message....  The only way I would want to live my life over again is if I was able to go back with all the knowledge I have now... DUH...   Its not going to happen...

Even when you plan and setup everything; there will always be s Winkle, or other such happening that shots you down.....  So what we need to do is have our brain tuned up and ready for action.... [See :Brain Boot Camp" blog for details]  Training is the key....  The key work is training...  With proper training you will be better prepared to cope with what ever comes up in life.....  This is what makes the difference between good and bad  results....

So let us plan on the positive, good, more controllable results in life....  There will always be some problem(s) that will come up but if you are trained and have a happy brain, things will turn out better for all involved....   [ Refer to " Absolute Truth, Some Wisdom and Intercourse.." blog of some thought provoking ideas and direction....   We may not like the truth but is real life.....  Why play with the truth..  DUH..  Just learn to accept it and live life to its fullest.....     

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