Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Some things we do will last forever... DUH!!

Why do we seek the impossible and not pay attention to the most precious things in life right before our eyes??? DUH!!

Date:   8/16/2005 6:35:19 AM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2487 times

We are back for a look at why we are so ready to become involved with things that will do us little good in the eons to come... DUH!!

It seems that many people, spend much of their life chasing after some elusive dream or thing...   Most of the time what we need is right before our eyes... It only takes some appraisal and thought...  DUH!!   

Unfortunately many people are are so caught up in their every day life that they have over liked the obvious things...  {Myself included}  It takes concentration and thought...  Thought is the key word here folks...  Yes it requires thinking folks...

This is not beyond your grasp, as you are all ready at this blog, and thus have demonstrated some taught pattern...  So lets get on with training your brain.... [Plug for my "Brain Boot Camp" blog; try it you will like it]  You must get your thinking in order and then you will be able to open up many new and wonderful worlds...

SO start now; stop, look and listen to what is around you, and you will learn that there are many great things right where you are, and most likely they do not even require any money, just some effort on your part...  GO for it folks, live and learn..

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