Slavery is not dead in UK? Part 2 12 y
*** While the world recently celebrated the Lincoln " Gettysburg Address " where all men{people} are created equal Plus the "Emancipation Proclamation" (in January) which supposedly freed slaves...
Neither is recognized by most of the world; or in many countries with by evil religious groups - like many of the Islamic crowd! Why? How can this be today? ***
** This is just an example of how certain so called religious groups operate and think! Even in a free western country like the UK! How? Why?
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Where is slavery still rampant and sanctioned? The Muslim world. ”Two people accused of enslaving three women for more than 30 years had been on the radar of the authorities since the 1970s when they were arrested by police.” ”Asian” is UK media-speak for Muslim.
The pair, thought to be Asian and illegal immigrants, ... read more
LUGOL's Solution - Go for it! 12 y
*** Here is some of the best stuff for your health! Right now most of it is still avaliable OTC; but the Gov't is moving to control it more {because it supposely could be used to make Meth!.} ... Showing once more a desired total control becsuse a few wacko's misuse of something... Just like firearms, and many other things that we sane, thinking people understand and use properly and safely everyday!
But the Lib-Demo Gov't thinks that they can legislate morality and cancle out stupid! ***
Here is the way to use it; check it out on line!
I use J. Crow’s but the choice is your’s..
Calculating Number of MG’s of Iodine and Potassium Iodide per Drop of Lugol’s Solution:
LUGOL’S 5%: Each VERTICAL drop is about 6.25 mg’s of iodine/potassium iodide (2.5 mg iodine, 3.75 mg potassium iodide) and 2 drops is about 12.50 mg’s of iodine/potassium iodide (5.0 mg iodine, 7.50 mg potassium iodide). Compared to other’s, J.CROW’S® Lugol’s Solution offers big savings.
LUGOL’S 2%: Slightly less than 1/2 half the above measurements.
Ap ... read more
Natl Health Care? Part 3 12 y
*** Down Dixie Way we say if it looks like a Skunk, and walks like a Skunk then smells like a Skunk then it has to be a Skunk! What is the story with these Demo - Lib people acting like a total clueless bunch of donkeys? ***, the online portal to Obamacare enrollment, will reliably allow consumers to shop and sign up for health coverage by late November, a senior adviser to President Barack Obama said Friday.
Nearly a month after the launch of the health insurance exchanges that are central to Obama’s health care reform law, the website and the information technology behind it continue to pose problems to consumers and health insurance companies alike.
On Friday, health care entrepreneur and Obama adviser Jeffrey Zients, who is overseeing a so-called tech surge to repai ... read more
Natl Health Care? Part 2 12 y
** How can a system - like the present Natl Health Care - go into such a blazing crash? **
** John McAfee, founder of McAfee anti-virus software, told Gretchen Carlson of Fox News Thursday that the ObamaCare federal exchange website,, is effectively executing a “denial of service attack” on itself.
In computer technology, a “denial of service attack” is an attempt to make a network resource unavailable to its intended users. It is defined as a deliberately planned attack on a company or organization, websites, or servers. A denial of service attack aims to shut down access to a site or key server by flooding it with massive requests, placing such great demand ... read more
Natl Health care? Part 1 12 y
** Why can't the idiots learn from the past? - What is wrong with the Dem-wit, Obamabot supporters? Are they blinded by the word "Free" or is it they are political zombies? Is this what they want for themselves and their children? Ya think? **
Socialist healthcare, the prophetic demise of America?
** This is from a former reporter; {Added}
Back in the day, I covered agricultural and economic news for Knight-Ridder. The Soviet uniion had a five year plan. They rarely, if ever, met the goals of the plan. For example, every year the communists would say they were going to be food self-sufficient. And every year, they had hungry people because they could not feed them. The collective farms were not producing at capacity.
Moreover, the communists, using military trucks, lost high percentages of what was produced in transport ... read more
Why do we have contention! 12 y
** It is sad that we must live in so much conflict and grief... When fellowship and love was the original plan and purpose of our Heavenly Father... **
King James 2000 Bible:
If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you.
How did we get into the current world of contentiion?
Could be from turning from the core moral compass of the Christian teachings...
If people would just learn to be satisfied and live a shareing life!
Class and refinement are shown and revealed in how a person speaks, the words they use, the clothes they wear, the place they live. Money can be in the equation, but doesn’t need to be. If they have a small house.. it is clean, orderly a ... read more
Nikro More truth part 3 12 y
** Here is the real aim of the Islamic Hoard... Wake up people of the non Muslim world, because they are out to take over! **
More on what you may not want to know!
WASHINGTON -- The Muslim Brotherhood appears on the ropes in Egypt following a military crackdown on the radical movement. Here in the United States, however, one American-Islamic group linked to the Brotherhood continues to thrive.
The Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA, will hold its 50th annual convention over Labor Day weekend this year.
And ISNA even has the ear of the White House.
A Grand Jihad
Before President Barack Obama departed for Israel earlier this year, he took time to consult with Mohamed Magid.
Magid has ... read more
Nikro More truth part 2 12 y
** It seems that many of the Big leader type people; tend to spread false stuff which is in fact part of a larger plan to control and deceive others! **
I DO hope that you read this...Something I believe is IMPORTANT! I haven’t spent a great deal of time trying to perfect it...just wanted to get this out there...
* This is from a post by a good friend and concerned citizen! Read and realize how Islamic power moves...
Recently (within the past week) I shared a post about Saudia Arabia being perturbed at Obama for supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt...At the time, I thought it was ODD since the Saudi paid HUGE money to Columbia University for Barry to be a student there OR for a DIPLOMA for Barry. I cannot recall which ... read more
If you think this is the place! 12 y
** Thoughts mean that someone really thinks, yet then one must organize and determine how or what this thought actually means! **
I have decided to help people find the truth; which should allow them to make better decisions! I have came up with an organization where people can get real truthful answers... Not the fluff, B.S., or false and often misleading information put out today...
BTW: Once you separate all the crap (falsehoods) out; the rest is easy. It becomes very simple because the truth will not confuse and will set you free... Most all the rest binds and confines!
Most of the info today is either a slant, or sales event made to either control you or have you join and become part of some {usua ... read more
The Fire of Truth! Part 5 12 y
** It is odd how far some people will go to put their agenda across even when they have lie, distort or use falsehood... This is an example of how it has worked in the past... **
The general (P.C.) public is so hyped up on the use of certain words they do not recognize the fact that they are being manipulated and controlled!
Who really cares about what you call me?
I live by Faith in God, Seeking the truth and whatever is; true, honest, just, pure, lovely, vituous, and of a good report so if there is anything Praise Worthy; so be it; because then the peace of God will be with me or you!
God is not a respector of persons and we all share in this human existence...
So while I do not think name calling is very often not necessary, it should not be the defi ... read more
The Fire of Truth! Part 4 12 y
*** Here is a modern day update of how the Fire of Truth is perverted and used to meet the needs of certain people! {Truth or lies?} ***
.... See what you think of this post from another blog on how truth is perverted to get certain results!
Al Qaeda, the White House, and prophecy:
There is a tangled web of intrigue surrounding White House foreign policy and the Islamic al Qaeda terrorist organization. The occupant of the Oval Office says that
al Qaeda is on the path to defeat. By his direct orders, however, the US supported the Muslim Brotherhood/al Qaeda-led takeover in Libya, Yemen, and Tunisia, and is
supporting the al Qaeda-led rebellion in Syria. Yet, on May 23rd, he told the National Defense Univers ... read more
The Fire of Truth! Part 3 12 y
*** Many of the problems of the world, are related the the manifestations of Mankind's rebellion! Which includes not following our God given abilities and talents ***
This has created a Government dependent crowd of weak willed non thinking citizens... Since most people tend to be crisis-oriented. They wait before taking action!
Most people will seldom respond to something when absolutely necessary! This has lead to a population who {for the most part} is afraid to exercise their own personal freedom of decision and respond accordingly!
When God gave us (all mankind) the freedom of choice, He allowed people the opportunity to think and act!
An opportunity is the best and most advantageous time to respond! People who really prosper with God are ... read more
The Fire of Truth! Part 2 12 y
*** What is truth anyway? With all the fluff & stuff put out in the world; no wonder so many people are lost and confused! ***
Seek the truth and it shall set you free!
So where is this found?
God is Love & Truth!
The Word of God is free for all to see; yet much of the world is confused by the Devil’s deceitful delusion!
Step 2:
Never be so foolish as to think yourself as almighty!
God has placed within each of us a desire to find perfection; which is the pathway to back to Him!
God’s intention for us is that we come to render complete obedience!
Which is only possible by accepting the Authority of God!
**** If we attempt to bear all of our burdens entirely on our own; we will fail!
What ... read more
The Fire of Truth! Part 1 12 y
*** We live in an era where there is so much knowledge or data; that we live in a state of information over load! This has caused people to see so much spiritual compromise, moral relativism, and deceptive imitations; that many have become hopelessly confused! Lost in an information space warp! ***
In places like Africa; the Christians know that Satan has power - yet they have come to understand the difference between God’s miracles and the lying wonders of the Devil!
It is this the Fire of the Truth;
which is the lesson we must learn!
Over the past century; the Christian Charismatic movement has rediscovered the gifts of the Holy Spirit of God; set upon the earth when Jesus ascended to Heaven; as found in:
1 Corinthians 12:8-11
New International Version (NIV)
8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means o ... read more
Restoring the Remnant 12 y
*** Restoring Integrity to American Ministry - By Larry Stockstill - Pastor @ Bethnay World Prayer Center in Baton Rouge, LA ***
Holy Spirit is not for sale! by J. Lee Grady
While America sits teetering near an political-economic precipice; it seems that many of the Christian Church leaders are just going on with business as usual... Without even realizing that the church is in a state of serious moral crisis!
” I believe we are facing a window of opportunity for repentance... Unless the pastors wake up to avert judgement, there will be judgement on America. If we don’t respond we going to lose this nation! ” Larry Stockstill
One thing Stockstill learned about the process of repentance is in his book ... read more
True condition of the Christian Church Part 2 12 y
*** In many cases many of the present day Christian Churches are not living up to the great commission of Christ and following the True Gospel principles.... **
While this is not a popular message; it is the Truth, so help me Almighty God! What we need is to hear the words of Jesus (Yeshua) so that each can either accept or deny it! The new generation churches are coming to know that we face an unprecedented global opportunity for mass evangelism of the those who have not heard the Gospel Of Christ!!
Many of the new voices heard bringing the Word of God to the present day lost... These include people like:
Beth Moore, Louie Giglio, Erwin McManus, Bill Hybels, Andrew Wammack, Henry Blackby and Andy Stanly to name some...
While it is tim ... read more
Recent Christian Church - Part 1 12 y
*** With much of the world driving full speed; into the desire to live in luxury and comfort; for most of the past century, it seems that many of the U.S. Christian Churches has been chasing the same dream! ***
*** What we are going to discuss is not any attack against the Christian Church or anti-Christ elements or any such information which discredits the pure relationship of the Christian experience! Christ is still the Paraclete or only advocate for humans before God..
Rather we will discuss how much of the mandate of Christ has in been diluted and in many cases lost by those {semi-believers} who were suppose to carry the message of God’s Love forward to the world!
This shows the true depravity and selfishness of many humans...
In the past hundred years, th ... read more
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