Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

The Fire of Truth! Part 4

*** Here is a modern day update of how the Fire of Truth is perverted and used to meet the needs of certain people! {Truth or lies?} ***

Date:   6/3/2013 8:19:17 PM   ( 12 y ) ... viewed 10201 times

.... See what you think of this post from another blog on how truth is perverted to get certain results!


Al Qaeda, the White House, and prophecy:

There is a tangled web of intrigue surrounding White House foreign policy and the Islamic al Qaeda terrorist organization. The occupant of the Oval Office says that
al Qaeda is on the path to defeat. By his direct orders, however, the US supported the Muslim Brotherhood/al Qaeda-led takeover in Libya, Yemen, and Tunisia, and is
supporting the al Qaeda-led rebellion in Syria. Yet, on May 23rd, he told the National Defense University that "Today, the core of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan
is on the path to defeat...

They did not direct the attacks in Benghazi or Boston.
They've not carried out a successful attack on our homeland since 9/11." That's not what al Qaeda says.
AFP reports that on June 2, al Qaeda's military chief in Yemen encouraged Muslims to continue attacking America's homeland. AFP quoted Qassim al-Rimi in a letter
to the American people, "The Boston events... and the poisoned letters (sent to the White House), regardless of who is behind them, show that your security is no
longer under control, and that attacks on you have taken off and cannot be stopped."

He told Muslims in the United States, "We encourage you to carry on with this way, be steadfast in your religion. Carry out your obligations, defend your religion and follow in the footsteps of those who supported their religion and Ummah (Muslim nation) while they are in their enemy's den."

The White House considers al Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula (led by al-Rimi) as the most dangerous to American interests. Yet, in the occupant's speech he gave several
conflicting messages. He said that "Unrest in the Arab world has also allowed extremists to gain a foothold in countries like Libya and Syria. In Libya, however, he used
the US military to support al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood in taking over Libya.

He also has pledged over $250 million to the Syrian opposition, which is widely known to be comprised of al Qaeda, of which over $50 million has been dispersed.
Perhaps this is consistent with his statement "the United States is not at war with Islam."

This White House is saying on one hand that al Qaeda needs to be defeated. On the other hand, it is feeding the organization millions of taxpayer dollars and military
assistance where it can. He says America is not at war with Islam, while implying that the US is at war with al Qaeda. Article three of the US Constitution states:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

Proverbs 29:1 says,
"He, that being often reproved stiffens his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy." There is much danger ahead if we continue in this current

We cannot serve two masters.

Once you come to understand this; many things should clear up as to who is saying what!
Oh, when will they ever learn?

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Comments (20 of 127):
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