Who is BHO exactly?
**** It sure looks like there have been some very unusual things going on with some gov't actives... Read the following!
Date: 3/5/2013 7:40:20 PM ( 12 y ) ... viewed 10042 times For anyone who has done even a cursory study of Barack Obama’s life, they know that his radical Marxist views are not a recent phenomenon.
During his New York years, he was a frequent participant in the annual Socialist Scholars Conference held in Manhattan.
In the 1990s, he was affiliated with the Marxist New Party.
He called for an outright ban on guns in 1996.
Through the 1990s and 2000s, he funneled millions of dollars to socialist front groups like ACORN, via the Woods Fund and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. His buddy, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, helped stuff the money in the pockets of these “public welfare” groups, often taking money from wealthy donors who believed the funds were being used to further education or stamp out poverty. This was Barack Obama’s first foray into “spreading the wealth around.”
The dirty little secret about Marxists is that the moral outrage they have about the poor, about gun violence, about war, and even about the environment (so-called “global warming,” now rebranded as “climate change”) is that these are all simply tools to set up a totalitarian government. A so-called utopia where “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” is not determined by the individual, but according to an elite bureaucracy.
Except totalitarian governments don’t work very well unless you have a dependent and defenseless rabble. Obama has successfully created a welfare state, with food stamp and welfare rolls soaring. And, with Obamacare, he will put virtually the entire citizenry on the public dole.
But creating a defenseless rabble is a little more difficult in America, with the majority of Americans holding the Second Amendment as sacred.
It was easy in Russia. In October 1918, the Communist government mandated that all of its citizens register their weapons. Then it conveniently confiscated all of these “registered” weapons. (It kind of sounds like Obama’s “common sense” call for universal background checks—really a Trojan horse for a national gun registry).
But this is all a conspiracy theory, right? America could never become like Communist Russia, could it?
In 2007 and 2008 when Obama researchers such as Stanley Kurtz and Trevor Loudon unearthed Obama’s extensive radical background and warned us from the highest mountaintops to beware, most of us handed these guys tinfoil hats, figuring that if a Marxist did get into office, we had a little document called the Constitution to keep him in check and/or impeach him.
Because of a dumbed down public and two weak RINO Republicans (first McCain, then Romney), Obama was able to garner enough votes to gain the presidency twice.
We’ve had a radical Marxist sitting in the Oval Office for over four years now.
But the Constitution was still there, including the Second Amendment and the separation of powers.
And the radical connections that were unearthed in 2007 and 2008 paled in comparison to what we learned in an almost month-by-month basis in the following years.
But the Constitution was still there, including the Second Amendment and the separation of powers.
Except what if the Obama administration could disarm a large portion of the population—the so-called “progressives” who believe that guns are evil, and the dumbed down population who didn’t know any better?
And what if the only ones left who refused to give up their guns, who demanded that the Constitution be followed, and who demanded that the separation of powers doctrine be upheld (against Obama’s “I can’t wait for Congress to act!” meme)—what if the only ones left were conservatives?
And what if the Obama administration DE CLAREd conservatives domestic terrorists, as they have basically done with a so-called “study,” Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States?: Those who are “reverent of individual liberty.” Those who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority.” Those who believe there is a “grave threat to national sovereignty and/or personal liberty.”
And what if the Obama administration could outgun their conservative enemies?
The Obama administration has amassed a staggering amount of bullets (over two billion rounds), most of it the hollow point, armor piercing variety, enough to kill every American, man, woman, and child five times.
And what if the Obama administration successfully banned “assault weapons” but was able to keep assault weapons for themselves (as they have already done) calling the use of AR-15s “personal defense weapons”?
And what if the Obama administration could nullify the Second Amendment from the portion of the public that were the most extensively trained, who were traditionally the most conservative—that is, veterans?
The Obama administration has sent out thousands of letters to veterans with the following:
A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition. If you knowingly violate any of these prohibitions, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both…
And what if the Obama administration was purchasing thousands of light armored tanks to be used against its own citizens? This, we learned over the weekend.
And what if the Obama administration ordered a fleet of “public safety” drones, able to pick up cell phone traffic, able to identify whether the target—that is, an American citizen—is armed or not with the ability to be easily outfitted with missiles?
This is something we discovered is not out of a dystopian novel but hatched by our own government, with a fleet of 30,000 drones expected by the end of Obama’s “third term.”
And what if there was a secret memo that gave the Obama administration the authority to kill any U.S. citizen at any time, anywhere, without proof, without due process, accountable to no one? Investigative journalist Michael Isikoff uncovered this last month.
So what if, unlike the Communists in Russia, the Obama administration wasn’t able to disarm its enemy—conservatives—but were able to easily outgun them, with hundreds of thousands of “personal defense weapons,” billions of rounds, tanks, and “public safety” drones?
Is a civil war coming between a totalitarian Obama administration and conservatives?
Is this some wild-eyed conspiracy theory?
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
by Taboola From the Web
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