What do you drink?
Over 80% of your body is made up of water, therefore it is important to have proper type and amount to live a good life!
Date: 12/26/2012 6:56:33 PM ( 13 y ) ... viewed 10769 times Here is a quick over view on what you should drink:
From article :
May 12, 2011 | By Angela Ogunjimi
Why You Shouldn't Drink Saltwater
You may have probably taken an involuntary swig of saltwater during an unexpected wave at the beach, but saltwater isn't meant for human consumption. Drinking too much saltwater for too long begins the process of dehydration, which, if not corrected, may lead to organ damage and death.
Your Water Needs:
Water is essential to maintaining your life. You must replace the fluids you lose daily to support processes such as growth, regulation of your body temperature, ridding your body of waste and providing a base for other biological interactions.
The Institute of Medicine says adult males need 3.7 L of water daily, and adult females need 2.7 L. Your water requirements can be fulfilled by high-moisture foods and other fluids containing water.
In the entire world, however, more than 97 percent of the water supply is ocean saltwater, which is not potable -- meaning, it is not safe for people to drink.
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Saltwater introduces what's known as a hypertonic solution to your circulation. That means it contains a higher concentration of electrolytes -{ namely sodium }- than is typically found in any cell in your body. This process causes water to be withdrawn from your cells and tissues in an effort to restore balance. Blood volume increases, cells shrink in the meantime and your kidneys begin to attempt to rid your system of the excess fluid.
It Dehydrates which in the end; the result of saltwater consumption inside your body is dehydration. In sensing that water levels are low, your body could begin shutting down processes. Your kidneys, especially, are likely to decline in their function or stop functioning altogether from the overflow of salt. In addition, saltwater leads to changes in your acid-base balance and a rise in your bloodstream's level of nitrogen. You'll be noticeably thirstier when you drink saltwater too.
Then it Can Kill because the Consumption of saltwater can be deadly primarily through the actions of severe dehydration. A 1962 article in the "Journal of the American Medical Association": reported cases of shipwrecked people and
intentional ocean-bound people who had experiments, lasting from a few days to two months, involving drinking saltwater, in varying degrees, with different levels of adverse events occurring. Sustained dehydration can cause seizures, convulsing, brain damage, reduced cardiac output, coma and ultimately collapse and death.
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* BBC Health; Why Do We Need Water?; July 2008
* Institute of Medicine: Dietary Reference Intakes: Electrolytes and Water
* Duke University Department of Chemistry: Reading #17 Current Technologies for Human Needs: Potable Water
* "Journal of the American Medical Association"; Never Drink Sea Water; World Health Organization; December 1962
* U.S. Geological Survey; Thirsty? How 'bout a Cool, Refreshing Cup of Seawater?; February 2011
* U.S. Geological Survey; Why is the Ocean Salty?; February 2011
** Article reviewed by Leah Ann Crussell
Last updated on: May 12, 2011
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So pay close attention to your water consumption!
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