US Constitution vs Sharia Law
Why do some people want to change anything that opposes their ideas or views; even though it would create more problems!
Date: 9/2/2011 3:33:37 PM ( 14 y ) ... viewed 2104 times
Dear Patriot,
A couple of days ago someone told me that he would rather have Muslims ruling America over the Tea Party. It took a few seconds for the comment to sink in but once it did it made me feel sick. I knew the man was a devout Liberal but Islamic law would be better than the Constitution?
I asked him about what he knew of Sharia Law; specifically how it is acceptable for a man to beat and even kill his wife and children if they do not submit to his rule. I asked about their treatment of homosexuals which is a crime punishable by death. I then asked how he felt about the teachings that ALL non-believers must be either converted or killed. His response again shook me. He said that only a few extremists practiced such things and that Islam was a religion of peace. At this point, my blood was boiling to the point that all I could do was to tell him that he needs to educate himself on how Islam is practiced around the world and pull his head out of the dark place it is residing.
The tea party movement has been painted by the Liberal media and now by several Democrat politicians as an extremist group of racist hate filled people. Somehow standing up for the Constitution, reduced government spending and the ideals that founded America have become extremist views! We have been to hundreds of tea party rallies around the country since the movement began and those in attendance were nothing other than patriotic individuals who love their country and do not want to see America's greatness lost.
I do not believe that all Muslims are hateful extremists but careful examination of how Islamic law is practiced in countries where it has taken over is certainly not something we or the Liberals would want whether they know it or not. Where practiced, it would be an understatement to say that Islamic law is oppressive and violent to anyone and everyone who dares to violate their rule.
This comment underscored the divide the Liberal media has created in our nation. Tune into MSNBC or CNN for a few minutes and it is easy to see where the hateful propaganda is originated against the tea party. Hearing comments like this scares the hell out of me knowing that people are brainwashed so completely by the Main Stream Media that they actually believe that the greatest danger to America are the mothers, fathers, grandmothers, great-grandfathers, brothers, sisters, etc of the tea party movement peacefully standing up for traditional American values.
There is little hope to convince people like this that everything they enjoy by being an American is at risk. They will only understand long after it is too late to fight. It remains up to you and I to do everything we can to educate all who will listen and fight with everything we have for the values that made our Nation great. May God guide us and bless us in our efforts.
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Roger Stockton
Co-Founder, Western Representation PAC
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