Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

What happen along the way?

Why all the disillusionment?

Date:   1/29/2013 7:45:53 AM   ( 12 y ) ... viewed 9535 times

The idea that we were created with certain inalienable rights; which is based upon freedom of choice seems to have disappeared! In it's place we find a new politically correct ruling system? What happened?

Why is it that with more education in this country over the past hundred years that we still have a result of so many who can not understand the simple truth?

I believe that many of the so called better "educated" have for the most part fooled themselves; by not learning the lesson! Because obviously while they were great test takers; they never mastered the content of the lessons... What a waste of both time, talent and money!

Without Common Sense, and a belief in God; many have gone chasing after an elusive dreams {selfish desires - greed} which has severely crippled many people today! Because they seek satisfaction from many of the temporary limited world systems... Most of these do not actually help!

ex. Look at some: Gambling {lotto} dope - drugs, sexual
perversion, the obsession of extreme pleasure in entertainment - sports, other thrills, etc...

Then in an attempt to make themselves feel better or at least look better to others; they embrace a Liberal view, because it attempts to answer their unfulfilled needs... Because it is always easy to say what others should do, and / or pass some laws which force others to follow their dreams... Especially when you can get the power of government {bayonet} to take people's money, time and talents then spend it on selected liberal {personal socialist} fluff...

The grand result will be total domination {slavery} of the masses with a few of the better "educated" Liberals in charge!

Is this not Communism?

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Comments (15 of 127):
Re: What has happe… kermi… 10 y
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