Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Going Evil....

*** People were given a free agency or freedom of choice; most of which is misused and wasted in self centered interest and living a destructive life style! .....

Date:   4/11/2013 7:39:09 PM   ( 12 y ) ... viewed 9968 times

The world is fast becoming an evil place dominated by the lies of Satan...


Here is the truth:

1) - Anti truth... Being Gay is OK?
If everyone was " Homosexual "' none of us would exist because there would have not been any meaningful reproduction!

2) - Non Religion is actually believing...
All of the so called Atheism; is false because they actually believe in a Superior Almighty God; if not why do they rail against someone or thing that they do not believe exist?

3)- Liberalism, or wanting a perfect world by human standards....
Most if not all the grief in the world is due to self centeredness, and greed... Which is the Big Lie of the Devil; that " you can have it all!"

4)- Denying God failing to accept the Love of God in your life!
You can believe a lie and be damned!

5)- The seed of greed or total self centeredness!
In the grand scheme of things; it is not so much about being against God, as it is is being hung up on one self to the point of not even attempting to to accept The Kingdom of Heaven!
{which is the only Eternal Future worth any consideration!}

*** These are just a few things you should get your mind around....

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Comments (10 of 127):
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