Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

The Holy Spirit Part 1

*** While there is but one source of power which is found in the Holy Spirit... There are five channels through which we (you) may exert the power of the indwelling and guiding Holy Spirit!

Date:   4/14/2013 12:08:06 PM   ( 12 y ) ... viewed 9956 times

There is in the possession of every Believer five outlets of Power!

These 5 outlets are as follows:

1) What I am among others.

2) What I say to others.

3) What I do before others.

4) What I give of my possessions.

5) What do I dare to claim in the Name of Jesus.

The first four are limited in their scope...

Yet the last is infinite, omnipotent and omnipresent as God Himself!
Therefore through the avenue of believing prayer I can partake of the omnipotence of God and come to utilize His omnipresence...

You can greatly influence others by What I Am. The influence of a godly person is felt even before they speak! There is a true godliness that is felt the moment one enters the presence of a godly person!

A truly Holy person does not need to go about bragging or telling everyone how they live without sin... Because in doing so they would commit one of the worse sins;
" Spiritual Pride. "

The more holy we (you)live, the more we should realize our failings and sins.... Humility and a deep consciousness of our actual unworthiness is the only true mark of holiness!

Because the nearer we live to Him whom the Angels sing " Holy, Holy, Holy, is Almighty God, " the more we will confess our own sinfulness and rejoice in His Holiness!

Remember people are not influenced by what we may say nearly as much as by what do or how we act...

Therefore let your " What I am, & what I say & what I do, & what I give; actually take you to the fifth channel...

Which is to exert the actual power of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, in your life! Live in humility, and deep consciousness of our actual self; the rejoice in the directive, Holiness of the Holy Spirit!

BTW: If you actually apply these things in your life; then people will seek you to guide them toward the Holy Spirit!
All of this is found in the Holy Word of God...

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