Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Recent Christian Church - Part 1

*** With much of the world driving full speed; into the desire to live in luxury and comfort; for most of the past century, it seems that many of the U.S. Christian Churches has been chasing the same dream! ***

Date:   4/25/2013 10:07:52 PM   ( 12 y ) ... viewed 10749 times


*** What we are going to discuss is not any attack against the Christian Church or anti-Christ elements or any such information which discredits the pure relationship of the Christian experience! Christ is still the Paraclete or only advocate for humans before God..


Rather we will discuss how much of the mandate of Christ has in been diluted and in many cases lost by those {semi-believers} who were suppose to carry the message of God's Love forward to the world!

This shows the true depravity and selfishness of many humans...


In the past hundred years, the U.S. has experienced two (2) major " Great Awakenings "... Then provided the birth place of the modern Pentecostal movement! The U.S. has sent the largest number of missionaries into the foreign fields; plus has given vastly more money to fund global evangelism... Because of such Christian dedication and effort to help other people; Almighty God has Blessed America with prosperity, technological progress and political freedom...

Yet, even though we have been some what raised in the Christian environment the past fifty years; many have failed to understand or appreciate it!

Instead something tragic has happened in the last generation as American Christianity grew cold as our society became more secular... God's people have selfish and become more worldly... The church has so often developed a distorted perspective on money; inventing a doctrine that said God wants to reward us... With luxury high dollar houses, , expensive cloths, over priced cars, great vacations, and such things a Botox treatments...

Many in the churchs bought into the world values of a self-centered prosperity gospel {which does not exist} that poisoned the faith of many and dampened our missionary zeal!

It is sad and eternally damning that so many in the modern Christian church movement today; do not sacrifice, and know nothing of true heart felt conviction! They only offer a trite, shallow "bless you" gospel... Moved on to how to be successful, how to feel better about yourself how to make finical breakthroughs...
Instead of self-denial, all that is offered is self gratification! Humility has become a lost element in life!

The prosperity gospel is not a message from Almighty God Our Heavenly Father! It is a delusion of Satan!


The sadist part of this story is that it has taken many of us too long to realize the true origins of this false gospel...


May we all come to seek the true actual Gospel of Christ!
God is not the author of confusion... What has happened is mankind has made the message of the Christian Church into a religion of legalism and a burden upon the people! This was never the purpose of the Gospel of Christ!

Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven = God and all the other things will be added unto you!


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