Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

The Fire of Truth! Part 2

*** What is truth anyway? With all the fluff & stuff put out in the world; no wonder so many people are lost and confused! ***

Date:   6/1/2013 9:21:16 AM   ( 12 y ) ... viewed 10630 times

Seek the truth and it shall set you free!

So where is this found?

God is Love & Truth!

The Word of God is free for all to see; yet much of the world is confused by the Devil's deceitful delusion!

Step 2:
Never be so foolish as to think yourself as almighty!

God has placed within each of us a desire to find perfection; which is the pathway to back to Him!
God's intention for us is that we come to render complete obedience!
Which is only possible by accepting the Authority of God!

**** If we attempt to bear all of our burdens entirely on our own; we will fail!

What we must learn from the Holy Scriptures as found in the Gospel of Christ; is that the problems of this fallen world and those of the universe will be solved! Not just might be...

In today's world the Authority of God; should become a living thing, something that should be an inward part of us! Authority and obedience meet each other in the person of Christ! Instantly both turn subjective and become merged into one!

This is the highest expression of God's Authority here, because there is no other way in the universe!
Authority is a tremendous thing in the universe, nothing overshadows it. God's throne is established upon His Authority. God alone is in authority; all the authorities on the earth are instituted by Almighty God! It is therefore important for each of us who desire to God to know the authority of God!

God's authority is absolute, hence we must give Him absolute submission (Our heart's attitude) and absolute obedience (our outward actions). Yet to His delegated authorities we should render absolute submission, but only in relative obedience.
For their authorities are circumscribed by the measure of the life of Christ in them. Only when they themselves submit to God's authority in them are they able to represent God.Hence there is much that we have to learn about how to represent God!

*** we will continue this important theme in the next part! Stop Back to learn more ....

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Comments (15 of 127):
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