Persistent Widow 10 y
*** Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones who call out to him day and night? Will he be slow to answer them?
Monday, August 17, 2015
Persistent Widow
Luke 18:7 ”And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? ”
LUKE 18:1-8
The Parable of the Persistent Widow.
1* Then he told them a parable about the necessity for them to pray always without becoming weary.a He said,
2 “There was a judge in a certain town who neither feared God nor respected any human being.
3 And a widow in that town used to come to him and say, ‘Render a just decision for me against my adversary.’
4 For a long time the judge wa ... read more
Food As A Weapon 10 y
*** While over seas; I have seen how donated food from the USA was misdirected and confiscated by local war Lords who then use food as a weapon! It is real and not a new thing! ***
11 August 2015
Food As A Weapon, The Illusion Of Freedom
Farmer issues dire food warning for America – Starvation policy using food as a weapon – Intellihub
If you think that what we’re seeing in the videos below couldn’t happen in America, you simply need to remember what happened in October of 2013 as EBT systems across the country went down and local stores quickly turned into mad houses with looting and chaos. If you think your last visit to Wal-Mart was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet.
Despite the fact that many Americans are still ‘asleep at the wheel’ or dep ... read more
Do you Trust God? -1 10 y
*** Many people go through life looking for God in their earthly existence - yet few seem to ever find it! ***
Only trust will allow you to come to the full truth in your life!
If you do not understand that only the truth and trust should become the real values in your life then just maybe you have failed??
Who can you trust??
First you must come to know that Only the Lord God can and will be your only true hope in this world!
If you fail to see His love through the Gospel of Christ; then you have missed one of the most important free gifts in existence!
There is no better hope or plan for your eternal existence - bar none!
*** This is not some smoke and mirrors...
... read more
Making disciples for the Christ! 10 y
** You can stop believing every fantasy thought of what you may be like and Come to Know the Real you... **
Guy St OngeIf your Born Again Christian add me as a friend..
9 hrs ·
The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians KJV & GNV
1 Corinthians Chapter 3
Bible Study verse 15 only..
Thank you for coming along on this Journey, Equipping and maturing Kingdom Builders!! Making disciples for the Christ!
15 If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.
(Loss of labor and reward....Jesus does not take the hope of salvation away, because the person is unskillful and foolish builders, as long as they hold tight on ... read more
Grace and Truth together 10 y
*** It is necessary for one to seek balance in their relationship with God! Generally things are seldom what they first seem to be! So stop, look and Listen! ***
August 2015 Newsletter
Living in the Balance
of grace and faith by Andrew Wammack
Dear Friend,
You may not know my background, but I was born again when I was eight years old - I really loved God. I started serving Him, and basically what I was told was that God would love and respond to me as long as I was holy. So, when I was eleven years old and my dad got sick, I prayed and fasted, asking God to heal him. Right after I turned twelve, he died, and my pastor told me that God needed my dad in heaven more than I needed him. I interpreted this to mean that I just wasn’t holy, or g ... read more
AmazingFacts © 10 y
** What is right? The key to either right or correct is not just what you want - rather, it must be supported by the truth of the elements or of situation! **
It appears that people are quick to follow some new {yet many times actually false} ideas and run to do whatever...
So how and why?
Gay Marriage: A State Of Disgrace- (Doug Batchelor) AmazingFacts ©
Informative sermon done by pastor Doug Batchelor of Amazing Facts. Speaking from the word of God about Gay marriage.
I don’t own the copyrights to this video...
*** If you want to make a fire, then you must have the 3 necessary elements, to combine and control in a specific predetermined fashion to get a totally successful resul ... read more
GcMAF for the treatment of cancer 10 y
*** For more information please visit First Immune GcMAF or contact David Noakes at:
First Immune GcMAF
Clos de Balade 21
1140 Evere
Brussels, Belgium
Phone +44-7781-411-737 ***
GcMAF for the treatment of cancer, autism, inflammation, viral and bacterial disease
by David Noakes
Human GcMAF, otherwise known as Vitamin D binding protein macrophage activating factor, holds great promise in the treatment of various illnesses including cancer, autism, chronic fatigue and possibly Parkinson’s.
Since 1990, 59 research papers have been published on GcMAF, 20 of these pertaining to the treatment of cancer. 46 of these papers can be accessed through the GcMAF web site.
GcMAF is a vital part of our immune system which does not work without it; and is part ... read more
Women - When the truth comes out - 10 y
** Part of a multi point post ...
When the truth comes out - Part 2 of forever!
Instead of finding freedom in self-forgetfulness, we continue to view ourselves through others eyes, in a practice fittingly called self-objectification.
It casts us as objects in our own lives, not as agents of change, which is what we, as children of the God of restoration, and what we have been called to become. Repent and move on toward the Heavenly Eternity you should be heading for!
Whether our desire is to be seen or to be unseen, fixating on how others view us isn’t a healthy way to live. Being a Christian woman doesn’t m ... read more
Do you want to make people change? 10 y
*** two wrongs never make another thing right! ***
05 JULY 2015
Who did what?? Part 2
Isn’t it past time to stop all the politically incorrect stuff and get it thrown out!
” But enough is enough!” just now in July 2015 a woman climbs the flag pole and removes CSA flag in Columbia, SC.
Does this actually solve any of our problems?
This woman broke the law and the lame stream media is applauding her?
If I would have done it; I would have be in jail now...
Some seems to think by just removing this flag, - zamm - bam, we’ll solve all the social issues in this country?How foolish and stupid...
** Here are the true facts - ... read more
Homosexual community are the ones who hate Christianity 10 y
*** I believe there is still hope to return this nation to its Christian heritage. I join with you in humbling myself according to 2 Chronicles 7:14 and praying and seeking God’s face in faith that He has forgiven our sins and will heal our land. ***
03 JULY 2015
Response to the Supreme Court’s Decision
By Andrew Wommack | July 2, 2015
I was truly saddened by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that homosexuals had a constitutional right to be legally married with all those rights and privileges. That was wrong in so many ways.
I will let others detail all the legal and constitutional errors, but I want to comment on the moral inequities of what the majority did.
God, not man, created marriage, and He ordained marriage between one man and one woman. Therefore, man ... read more
You can believe a lie Part 1 10 y
*** The world spins at the pleasure of the Lord God and the things we sense in this physical seen world pale compared to the yet unseen eternal spiritual existence... **
great deception upon them
Because if you do not seek God and accept the plan of Salvation by your personal belief..
You can believe a lie - become sold out to Satan and be damned...
11 So God will send great deception upon them, and they will believe all these lies.
12 Then they will be condemned for not believing the truth and for enjoying the evil they do.
13 As for us, we always thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters loved by the Lord. We are thankful that God chose you to be among the first to experience salvation, a salvation ... read more
Lies and Promises 10 y
** The truth is where we should be **
28 JUNE 2015
Lies and Promises.. writes: “The Supreme Court ruled Friday that same-sex couples have a right to marry nationwide, in a historic decision that invalidates gay marriage bans in more than a dozen states. Gay and lesbian couples already can marry in 36 states and the District of Columbia. The court’s ruling on Friday means the remaining 14 states, in the South and Midwest, will have to stop enforcing their bans on same-sex marriage. The outcome is the culmination of two decades of Supreme Court litigation over marriage, and gay rights generally.”
The C ... read more
Can you see the truth?
10 y
** What is the Truth? **
Fact vs. Truth
One thing we must recognize in a crisis situation is the difference between what is true and what is truth. Certain things are true from a physical perspective, but there is an overriding spiritual truth. This is what Jesus was ministering. People always go by what’s happening in the physical realm. If all you do is acknowledge that, you’ll never be able to operate in the truths of God’s Word because they’ll always cross each other. They’ll be contrary to each other a lot of the time, usually most of the time.
The world of the flesh and the world of the spirit ... read more
What has happened to the truth? 10 y
** When is it OK to not allow the truth to prevail? The correct answer is NEVER! **
May 2015
From WKTV:
Parents of a Georgia middle school student have accused a teacher of making disparaging remarks about President Barack Obama to students, calling him an evil man who hates America.
The parents, Jimmie and Stephanie Scott, tell The Courier Herald of Dublin that a teacher told her students that President Barack Obama is a Muslim and that Christians should not follow him.
The parents complained, and Dublin Schools Superintendent Chuck Ledbetter says he’s advised the teacher not to take political positions in conversations with students. He also says additional ... read more
What happened? - the Truth! 10 y
*** If you do care then Forward this to as many patriotic Americans as you can, because our country is being looted and ransacked!. ***
AP – WASHINGTON D.C. In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College …
Released today, the transcript school indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court ... read more
blood pressure drops 10 y
*** a new plan - from: Blue Heron Health ***
The Blood Pressure Program
Breakthrough Discovery Reveals How 3 Easy Exercises Lower Blood Pressure Below 120/80 – As Soon As Today –
Preventing Diseases Such As Stroke, Heart Attack, And Kidney Failure
Read on to learn exactly how you too can lower your blood pressure naturally – without side effects…
Dear Friend,
You’re about to discover an alternative method to quickly and permanently heal your blood pressure.
It doesn’t matter what’s the cause of your conditions – be it genetic, high cholesterol, stress, or other factors(?) - the exercises you’re about to learn will ... read more
Why try to hug a shadow?
10 y
*** Following the human based religious systems upon the earth today is like following a shadow in the bright light of reality...
Why try to hug a shadow when the reality is right at hand? ***
02 February 2015
Mystery in the Shadows
We live this life with some understanding and many mysteries... It is here that we seek to find the basics of our God given freedom!
Yet using our five senses appears real enough - until we come to the point of either explanation or discernment!
There are areas of concern and desire; where we can enter a shady world of shadows and doubt! This is where that we allow ourselves to come into contact with fear, doubt and can lost confidence... This is where many enter a state of inordinateness - where they seek in vain for the truth! How d ... read more
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