Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Making disciples for the Christ!

** You can stop believing every fantasy thought of what you may be like and Come to Know the Real you... **

Date:   8/11/2015 9:29:59 PM   ( 10 y ) ... viewed 1173 times

Guy St Onge‎If your Born Again Christian add me as a friend..
9 hrs ·

The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians KJV & GNV
1 Corinthians Chapter 3
Bible Study verse 15 only..

Thank you for coming along on this Journey, Equipping and maturing Kingdom Builders!! Making disciples for the Christ!

15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

(Loss of labor and reward....Jesus does not take the hope of salvation away, because the person is unskillful and foolish builders, as long as they hold tight on to the Foundation, of which were those wise in rhetoric:the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, I.E. oratory · eloquence · command of language · way with words..

If it is of the Holy Spirit, the Gospel will be taught in plain words, not all fancy and eloquent like Earthly wise men do or try to do...

Now Paul also adds an exception, That they must suffer this trial of their work, and agree on the loss of their vain labors....

So if the doctrine taught is not exactly right, if they attempt to use Earthly or man's wisdom... The may lose their labor and reward, but Not their Salvation, but even that will be tried by fire, will it come out as GOLD, that is up to each one of us?

Now this is only talking about this instance and nothing else... For there are other ways in which we can lose our salvation...God forbid!!

See Romans Chapter 3:23-25

We thank you Father God for this new day that you have given us, who are still here in this world...We thank you for helping us to understand your words better and in that way we can understand who and how you actually are, so that we can stop believing every fantasy thought of what you may be like and Know the Real you...

So, when it is our time to go Home, we will know you when we get there.... How awesome will that point in time be, the most important time in our eternal lives....I and I am sure many others can hardly wait Abba, Father..
Jesus/Yeshua Is Lord!!

Please let me know if you need a past page that you might have missed.. I do not trust FB and I am not sure all get to see them, or if FB is hiding them...

8/11/15 Commentary by Guy St.Onge, using only God's words with God's own interpretation...
end of Verse 15

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