Do you want to make people change?
*** two wrongs never make another thing right! ***
Date: 7/4/2015 7:24:39 PM ( 10 y ) ... viewed 1247 times 05 JULY 2015
Who did what?? Part 2
Isn't it past time to stop all the politically incorrect stuff and get it thrown out!
" But enough is enough!" just now in July 2015 a woman climbs the flag pole and removes CSA flag in Columbia, SC.
Does this actually solve any of our problems?
This woman broke the law and the lame stream media is applauding her?
If I would have done it; I would have be in jail now...
Some seems to think by just removing this flag, - zamm - bam, we'll solve all the social issues in this country?How foolish and stupid...
** Here are the true facts -
BTW: Have a library on how it really was historically - including the following books:
- Black Slaveowners
{Free Black Slave Masters in South Carolina, 1790 - 1860} by Larry Koger - Non Confederate!
- Black Indian Slave Narratives by Patrick Minges
The various Indian tribes both held slaves and were also sold as slaves...
- Black Texans
by Alwyn Barr
{History of Blacks in Texas 1518 to 1995 2nd Edition} This is one all of the modern Blacks should read...
- Slave
by MacAuthur
(a complet over view of all White, American Indian, Asian, Islamic and Black slaves}
{The Hidden Truth about your Identity in Christ}
- General Stand Wayie's Confederate Indians
by Frank Cunningham
{Where American Indians owned and held slaves}
- Myths of American Slavery
by Kennedy
{A very complete view of those in the U.S. who were benefiting from the African slave trade.
Showing that many of the Northern states had a great participation in the slave trade - Not just the Southern states}
- Confederacy
{Diaries, Memoirs,and Letters of the Civil War}
The real stories for life in the Confederate states during the "War between the States"
Plus more truth from some others not listed here...
Does the Mass Media get all the facts and really try to express the truth? Not the present press system which seems more bent on being "politically incorrect" rather than looking for the real truth!
Does this make all our problems magically disappear?
Well - Nooooo... Of course not!
What must you do if you want to solve racism in this country?
** You must go to the source.
Start with the politically incorrect attitude!
It is the prevailing social attitudes which keep it alive and stirred up.
So just removing a flag {or anything else} isn't going to change anything - folks.
Flag or no flag people will still hate others just the same.
Because the flag or anything other physical thing is not the real problem - folks...
*** If you want to make people change or start making positive moral actions; you must change their hearts and minds...
It is not by just taking down flags,
or trying to control people from getting killed by having guns taken from law abiding citizens, or just impound cars to keep people from getting run over in crosswalks,
or trying to stop people from getting drunk by alcohol by just passing Prohibition again,
or stop bank robbery by just passing laws against such {which have not worked yet},
or believing a lie; that abortions are acceptable because it does not actually kill infants,
or any of a long list of futile attempts to correct human behavior...
Maybe you heard of the 10 Commandments -
Oh, well they have not exactly changed crime and moral values in this world yet!
HUH or else there would not be any crime today!
Because the commandments were meant only to demonstrate that we - humans can not obey or keep all the laws. So why would you start thinking about that any such restrictive laws or actions would change the hearts and minds of people?
** Have I got any of you thinking yet??
Because two wrongs never make another thing right!
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