Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Natl Health care? Part 1

** Why can't the idiots learn from the past? - What is wrong with the Dem-wit, Obamabot supporters? Are they blinded by the word "Free" or is it they are political zombies? Is this what they want for themselves and their children? Ya think? **

Date:   10/23/2013 8:58:20 PM   ( 12 y ) ... viewed 11028 times

Socialist healthcare, the prophetic demise of America?

** This is from a former reporter; {Added}

Back in the day, I covered agricultural and economic news for Knight-Ridder. The Soviet uniion had a five year plan. They rarely, if ever, met the goals of the plan. For example, every year the communists would say they were going to be food self-sufficient. And every year, they had hungry people because they could not feed them. The collective farms were not producing at capacity.
Moreover, the communists, using military trucks, lost high percentages of what was produced in transport to the grain elevators. The system imploded every year and they had to buy from America. Socialized healthcare in America is no different. {HUH!}

{Historically} No incentive plus government incompetency equals suffering people.

With socialist medicine, Americans are already seeing a similar system to Soviet agriculture. The people are unable to sign up because the government website doesn't work. Health plans are far more expensive for less coverage.

Government subsidies (translated: wealth redistribution) are to be handed out to those who can't afford it. Kaiser Health News reports that major insurance carriers such as Florida Blue, Kaiser Permanente, Highmark and Blue Cross will drop millions of customers who were promised by the occupant of the Oval Office that they could keep their policies.

{Fact} These cancellations, already totaling over half a million, are due to the requirements of socialist medicine.

In the end, there are higher deductibles, higher premiums, higher taxes, and a system where government employees will decide who gets to receive healthcare treatment and when they get it.

Tax money will support abortion, euthanasia, and subsidize a huge and ever growing government bureaucracy that is designed to control your freedom using your health as leverage. Meanwhile, the occupant is pushing for millions of illegals to have citizenship through amnesty, which will further use socialist healthcare for wealth redistribution and voter control.

{Suprise} When the news media presses the White House on these issues of socialized medicine, the press secretary says he is not a computer expert and walks out.

The Communist Manifesto calls for abolishing all religion and all morals. It creates a godless society where people have no hope, no incentive, no desire to live out life in the excellence of Christ. Therefore, what they do is go to work and come home to a substandard quality of life, the leaders get richer, the middle class disappears.

{Result} That is what will happen in America if this is allowed to continue. Psalm 33:12 says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD." When the people allow government to become god, they suffer the consequences. And yes, it rains on the just as well as the unjust.

** God has given us freedom in choosing our rulers. We are held to a higher accountability with such responsibility.

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