I oil pull, rinse with diluted sole made with Himalayan salt and then brush with a mix of equal parts; terramin clay, baking soda, and redomnd's salt.
About once a week or so I will lightly and quickly brush with magnesium malate and baking soda for the whitening effect... getting a tooth brush wet with ACV and then dipping into BS will do the same thing; volcano brushing :-).HUGE NOTE: this should NEVER be done every day (I hesitate to do more than once bi-weekly) and this should NEVER be done when one has problems with weak and/or thin tooth enamel for obvious reasons.
I have not used the lime water for brushing... perhaps I will try it to wet the toothbrush for a time and see what happens.
NEVER use the Calcium hydroxide without first properly diluting it in filtered or distilled water. One tablespoon of Pickling Lime (Calcium Hydroxide) to a gallon of water.