Stef, that was an amazing story about your mother and Hurricane Rita. The fear of "turning blue" keeps me from probably using as much CS as I probably should to knock this thing out. I limit myself to a couple of inhaled sprays 2-3 times a day. And I still wonder about inhaling metal directly into my lungs, though that's the only thing that really loosens things up and brings relief. It sounds like from what you've written that that's a fairly safe portion?
I'm getting so paranoid about the CS that I'm thinking of just going with traditional Antibiotics instead even though I know they ultimately have a bad effect on my immune system. On the one hand I'm feeling better with noticeably less lung congestion, but I also feel I'm plateuing and still not able to knock out the fever and sore throat. I'll keep trying for another couple days at least given the lung congestion is under control, and knowing that it always takes a while to recover from bronchitis even with strong Antibiotics . Thanks for your insights along the way.