Re: Larry
I hear what you say...
I think that the
OO (Olive-Oil) and the CS are fantastic if you get the infection early on. If it starts raging, I'm afraid I'd head for the
Antibiotics too. There are too many things that can happen if an infection takes over. The key to this is building up the immunity so you don't get the infection to begin with...that is what this is all about..Immunity. Cleaning your body so that it can fight the good fight, not so that it is continuously repairing too many things at once. That makes such perfect sense.
Don't be daunted by all the confusion on the
Liver Flush Forum . There is so much high drama there. The basic
Liver Flush of
Epsom Salts ,
Olive-Oil and Grapefruit juice (nothing else) is all you need. I had a fatty liver when I started that protocol, and I really concentrated on the liver when I started this whole business. The liver is one of the most important organs to take care of, and thank goodness it is so regenerative. So I researched everything I could find about how to help it. I take L-Carnitine everyday,
Liver Flush as often as I have time and also take Milk Thistle on and off. If you google L-Carnitine you will find tons of info out there. I read somewhere that they actually give concentrated L-Carnitine in IV to people with liver failure...can't remember where I read it though. Here is an allopathic site that has a ton of info on it. While they say that it should be used as a ADJUNCT to pharmaceuticals, it's still a very telling list of uses:
Because of our years of being spoon fed fear by the medical community most of us have to be brave to forge ahead and give all of these alternative modalities a chance. Curezone has so much information about so many things it's very hard to glean the right info. I started by organ, and then goggled the heck out of something that rang true. I did hours and hours of research on just one thing, only to go onto another thing. I'd say I spent the first year, at the computer for hours a day, until I got to my main protocol now. It was a second job for me. And the good thing that came out of it? Now I get it, and IT is:
Cleanse the body
Feed the body
Exercise the body
So simple...but cleansing is key.
Hang in there Larry. And by the way, you are welcome. The one thing I have to give back is my experiences with all of this stuff.