18 y
Lugols in Orange Juice
I think Trapper mention he gives this to his daughter, maybe some others too.
Can Trapper or someone else please confirm this is ok, as you cannot take
Lugols within 1 hour of vitamin c but orange juice obviously contains vitamin c.
I've tried it over the last 2 days and it certainly makes the
Lugols more palatable. 8 horizontal drops in 16oz water still tastes strong and burns a bit on the way down, but in Orange Juice the taste is softened.
I also tried it in a Schulze Superfood drink and OJ combo (16oz total, half and half) and this was also quite nice, you could hardly taste the
Lugols at all.
I know when u add lugols to sodium asocrbate (probably also vit but not tried) the lugols turns clear and doesnt taste as strong, I'm worried im rendering the lugols in-effective in someway by adding it to the Superfood or OJ