Re: parkinson's disease - part 2
these two threads have looked at several possible "causes" of parkinsons. in fact we have said a lot of things that may or may not resonate with someone seeking a cure. many of us are veterans of self experimenting and much of this comes easy to us now. there are some basics, though.
faith. you have to already believe you can be cured. if you dont, youre wasting your time.
fasting. the body will resume normal function once the body is cleared of all poisons and repair has been effected.
nature vs nurture. we are more different environmentally than we are genetically. in fact, the genes are reacting to the environment. we only have human genes. the variability of the genes interacting with the variability of the environment create unique internal environments that can only be dealt with on an individual basis. the false differentiations of parkinsons vs alzheimers vs multiple sclerosis vs lupus vs chronic fatigue are a matter of coincidence. they are the percentages that similar genes react in similar ways to similar environments. people have to take responsibility for their own body and the health of it.
most of our modern environment has been created in the last 50-100 years. we have no idea about long term effects or how genetics are altered over time(evolution) to adjust to this environment. there can be small changes over several generations(genotype) and all of a sudden they become big differences in how they manifest themselves(phenotype). we have run plum out of normal people to test things on.
i truly did not say that mercury is what causes parkinsons. i said i think it needs to be present in order to develope some of these neurological diseases, especially MS. the amount and type of exposure has different effects. different people metabolize mercury different. but one thing is for sure, the body will not have full function available to it to heal if mercury is present. so mercury may(or may not) have triggered or predisposed or enabled parkinsons instead of being the exact pathogenesis itself, but getting rid of the mercury in the body is absolutely critical to healing a degenerative disease in progress.
though the figures are not easily available(from my search anyway), you can bet that rates of parkinsons are rising. this is not from a longer lifespan, because the numbers show diagnosis of parkinsons drops off dramatically after age 75. i did find an interesting study here:'s%20More%20Common%20in%20Hispanics_SKV.shtml
"Kaiser Permanente is a health management organization (HMO) that serves the San Francisco bay area of northern California. The patients in the study were all HMO members. Hispanics had the highest rate at 16.6 cases per 100,000, followed by non-Hispanic whites at 13.6 per 100,000. Asians had a rate of 11.3 per 100,000 followed by blacks, who had a rate of 10.2 per 100,000, according to the report in the American Journal of Epidemiology."
to me, this is a clue as to what is causing parkinsons. hispanics are working in agriculture and eating from it. whites are paying for and eating the fruits of their labors. asians eat a lot of imported goods and specialty fresh vegetables. blacks eat a lot more meat and cooked food than fresh vegetables. this is just going by what i see.
this puts the problem in the ballpark of agricultural contaminants. i know beyond a shadow of a doubt that i ate some nasty halides one time in eastern oregon by eating a couple of cases of apples all by myself and not washing them. they came from fruitland idaho, right across the snake river from us. i was so sick that next summer. my thyroid shut down and i broke out from heat sickness all summer. i believe it was a fluoride poisoning. i am wondering what the rates of parkinsons is in holocaust survivors. we know that fluoride was used on the populations of many of these camps to keep them docile and unable to out think their captors.
i hope this helps.