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Re: HELP me with this please
Getting your hormones in balance means getting your life in balance and adopting a more healthy lifestyle in every respect. This includes detoxification...which is a natural process of the body. However, an average modern lifestyle overwhelms these natural processes and the body becomes laden with toxic accumulations. Additional measures for detoxifying the body must be undertaken to restore health and prevent disease.
Accutane is not going to cure your condition because your condition is a symptom of your overall health...which doesn't sound too good. Products that claim to eliminate excessive oil in the skin can actually exacerbate the problem.
Basic cleansing programs can be relatively inexpensive...certainly less than you have been spending on pharmaceuticals! You can do a basic
Colon Cleanse with psyllium husks and bentonite. Improvements in your diet may actually mean that you spend less on food depending on how you're currently eating. A healthier life does not require spending 'tons of money'. You can spend your money by getting at the root of the problem and healing it, or you can continue spending money on doctors, pharmaceuticals and topical treatments that only address the symptoms and may make matters worse. You pay one way or another...the choice is yours.
It sounds like you're still searching for a quick fix to address your problem. You went down that road already when you took all the
Antibiotics and it has resulted in a deterioration of your condition.
I do have one question for mentioned that you have had problems with
Acne for the past year. Did something change in your life at or shortly prior to that time? Change in diet? Medication or drugs? Chemical exposures? Life in general?