I have had Acne for only about a year, its been getting worst the whole year. Ive been going to a dermatoligist and my treatement has been: benzamyacin then differen then tetracyclin and retinol a then retinol a and minocylin. Nothing seems to work now, its like im just dealing with the stomach aches from the antibotic and the dry skin from the cream for nothing! im a male so would accutane relly be that bad for me? not like its gonna cause birth defects lol. I have Acne on my forhead, chin, noes, sides of my face, and behind my ears... I get red lumpy Acne that hurts. Im just sick of it ive been looking for help, anyone know if Elicina works? Id try just about anything that would actually WORK. What about these new lights that are supposed to help, they were on the new you go under them for like 20 min and its supposed to help. Please anything woould be helpfull thank you.