& Read some of the stories on the Bowel Cleanse board as well, AND the Liver Flush & kidney cleanse boards. Elimination problems are rampant. The advice to tend to this FIRST is good advice. One thing that we see over and over here on CZ is the search for the "magic pill". And I think that Iodine therapy withOUT tending to this first will cause problems. A "backlog" of bromides recirculating...?
How can one effectively detox bromides from their system if the eliminative channels are not clear? That is something that is NOT addressed in the literature and something that we're trying to address here on CZ. VERY important, IMO.
I've read Kloss, yes, years ago, lots of great info there. These are different times, though, from the days of Jarvis & Kloss. We have a couple generations nurtured on chemicals, additives & what have you.